We have a range of legal information publications, including easy read guides, factsheets and booklets on a variety of topics.
Search, browse, view and print these publications below, by topic or by intended audience, or collect a copy from an office of the Legal Services Commission or ServiceSA.
Some of our publications are available to bulk order. To place a bulk order, please do so through the Online Order Form.
For detailed information about the law, see also our Law Handbook.
This kit is designed to assist people who want to handle their own claim against another driver for the repairs to their vehicle as the result of an accident.
(32 page PDF download)
End of Life Planning Checklist and Worksheet
This booklet supports those facing the end of their life by providing a checklist with reminders of tasks to be completed, and a worksheet to collect the important information that an executor or family member may need after death.
Enduring Power of Attorney Kit
This kit is available to download for free or to purchase in hard copy at a cost of $22 (incl. GST). It contains a step by step guide to completing the forms, as well as answers to common questions.
If you give another person a ‘power of attorney’, you give that person the power to manage your financial and legal affairs. This brochure explains what a power of attorney is, why you should consider making one and how to make one.
This brochure is for anyone who is thinking about making a will in South Australia. A will sets out your wishes including who you want to inherit your property and possessions (your ‘estate’) when you die.
Wills and Estates Law Factsheet Series
This factsheet series is for anyone who is thinking about making a will or anyone interested in learning more about wills, estates and inheritance law. Factsheets are available to download individually or as a consolidated set.
Beware Door-to-Door Sales: What You Need to Know
A door-to-door sales person may knock at your home and try to sell you something or ask you to change your gas, electricity or telephone supplier. This factsheet explains the rules that sales people must adhere to, your consumer rights and where you can get further help.
Keep unwanted door-to-door sellers away with the Do Not Knock sticker. When displayed in a prominent location it sends a clear message to salespeople – ‘you’re not welcome at this address.’
This factsheet provides information about insurance for flood damage, how to go about lodging a claim with your insurer, what you can expect and where you can get more information and advice.
Insurance claims after a disaster
This booklet is for people who have been affected by a disaster, such as a bushfire, storm or flood in South Australia. It oultines the steps to making an insurance claim following the disaster.
(20 page PDF download)
Unclaimed goods are things which have come into your possession but legally belong to someone else. If you sell or dispose of these goods without the owner’s consent you are committing a criminal offence unless you follow the procedures set out in the Unclaimed Goods Act 1987 (SA).
This brochure explains what adult child maintenance is, when it might be needed and the kinds of expenses it typically includes. It answers some frequently asked questions, provides some examples and explains how the Legal Services Commission might be able to help with an adult child maintenance claim.
This brochure is for separated parents who may be required to make payments to one another to financially support their children. It explains the child support scheme and how the amount of child support that is payable may be assessed and collected.
This factsheet is for people who have been charged with drink driving offences and people who want to learn more about these offences. It covers the different types of offences and provides answers to common questions.
This factsheet is for people who have been charged with drug driving offences and people who want to learn more about these offences. It covers the different types of offences and provides answers to common questions.
This video explains the legal and other protections available to older people in South Australia who are at risk of or experiencing elder abuse.
Presented in both English and Auslan, with captions.
Funded by an Innovation Grant from the Commonwelath Attorney-General's Department.
This factsheet is about guilty plea discounts for criminal matters in the Magistrates, District and Supreme Courts.
This factsheet is for anyone who has contact with police in South Australia. It explains how the police have wide powers and responsibilities and provides information about a person's legal rights.
This factsheet is for people considering bankruptcy. It covers types of bankruptcy and alternatives, things to consider and where to get more assistance.
This factsheet is for people experiencing difficulty with debt in South Australia. It sets out options open to a debtor, the action that may be taken by creditors and where to get further help and information.
This booklet is a guide for recovering a debt of $12,000 or less, such as money owed for goods and services or money lent. It includes useful information about what steps to take to communicate with the debtor, what must be done before applying to court, and information about court rules and forms.
(30 page PDF download)
A practical guide for people having trouble with their mortgage.
Published by Legal Aid New South Wales & Financial Rights Legal Centre NSW
(82 page PDF download)
Child Focused Consultant Program
This factsheet is for separating couples with at least one child who are thinking of participating in a Family Law Conference. It explains how a Child Consultant can help give children a voice in the family dispute resolution process.
This brochure is for people who are in de facto relationships. A de facto relationship is one where two adults who are not married live together as a couple on a genuine domestic basis.
This booklet explains family law for couples who are separating. It explores the main legal issues that may arise and explains what to do if you need to take legal action.
(46 page PDF download)
This brochure is for people considering requesting a conference. Conferencing is a meeting between people involved in a family law dispute. Conferencing is a type of family dispute resolution. It can help you to resolve your dispute without going to court.
This factsheet provides a quick guide for solicitors who are participating in a Family Dispute Resolution Conference by Microsoft Teams.
A Family Law Conference is a meeting between people involved in a family law dispute, assisted by a Chairperson. In some situations these discussions can occur via telephone.
FDR: A guide for the invited party
This factsheet is for anyone who has been invited to participate in Family Dispute Resolution at the Legal Services Commission. It explains what Family Law Conferencing involves and how attending might benefit the parties.
Have you been directed to attend an assessment?
This fact sheet is for people who have been directed by the Department for Child Protection to attend a parenting capacity assessment or a drug and alcohol assessment. It sets out what they can expect and the penalties that may apply if they refuse or fail to attend an assessment.
Having a grandchild in your care
This factsheet is for grandparents caring for their grandchildren on a long-term basis. It oultines how family law applies to grandparents, how they can formalise the arrangement and get legal assistance.
Property Dispute Resolution Conferencing
This brochure is for separating couples who are thinking of requesting or participating in a conference to help resolve their property settlement. Conferencing is a type of family dispute resolution. It can help work out the division of property without going to court.
Supervised contact may be needed when the Federal Circuit and Family Court wants a responsible third person present when a parent spends time with their child. This fact sheet explains what supervision involves, why you may or may not wish to agree, how to prepare for a supervised visit, and where you can go to for help and advice.
This brochure is for people who have an FDR Conference scheduled. It outlines who can be a support person and the role of a support person.
Applying for an Intervention Order
This factsheet explains what intervention orders are, how to apply for one and the steps involved for those in need of protection from abuse. It also provides answers to common questions.
Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Video
This video explains the legal and other protections available to women and girls in South Australia at risk of or experiencing domestic and family violence.
Presented in both English and Auslan, with captions.
Funded by an Innovation Grant from the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department.
Domestic Violence Legal Service
This flyer outlines our domestic violence legal service available to women who are patients at the Women's and Children's Hospital, and are experiencing domestic or family violence.
Family Violence and Cross-Examination Scheme Information Sheet
Where allegations of family violence are made in family law proceedings, personal cross-examination may be banned. This information sheet outlines when the ban applies and the legal representation available through the scheme.
Legal responses to abuse via technology
This fact sheet provides information about possible legal responses to abuse via technology, such as cyber bullying, image-based abuse and deepfakes, and doxxing.
When there is an intervention order against you
This factsheet provides answers to common questions about intervention orders for respondents. It includes how orders are made, what conditions they can contain and how to dispute them.
Women's Domestic Violence Court Assistance Service
This brochure outlines the servives provided by the Women's Domestic Violence and Court Assistance Service.
Court and Tribunal Fee Waiver Guide
This guide explains how to apply for a waiver or reduction of court and tribunal fees.
(32 page PDF download)
This factsheet is for anyone who has to attend court, whether for civil proceedings or criminal charges. It briefly explains what to expect, how you should dress and behave, and who you will meet.
This factsheet is for anyone who has to attend court, whether for civil proceedings or criminal charges. It briefly explains what to expect, how you should dress and behave, and who you will meet.
This comprehensive guide gives useful contact details for the Legal Services Commission, Community Legal Services, Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement and other legal services in SA. Print on A3 paper for handy reference.
This easy read legal health check can help you work out if you have a legal problem – it could be any kind of common problem ranging from fencing disputes to workplace bullying. Individuals are encouraged to consider questions about their ‘legal health’ on this form, and if they identify any issues, to call the Legal Help Line.
Legal Health Check Up Guide - Blurred Borders
This easy read legal health check, using images from Blurred Borders, can help you work out if you have a legal problem – it could be any kind of common problem ranging from fencing disputes to workplace bullying. Individuals are encouraged to consider questions about their ‘legal health’ on this form, and if they identify any issues, to call the Legal Help Line. ...This brochure outlines the services provided by the Legal Services Commission of South Australia.
This factsheet is for people who have accepted a grant of legal aid, and they (or those they are financially associated with) own or are buying real estate. It sets out when a statutory charge may be applied to the real estate.
Mandatory visa cancellation kit
This kit is for people who are not Australian citizens and who are serving a prison sentence, and whose visa has been, or may be, automatically cancelled.
Protection Visa Program Flyer English
This flyer is available in 13 languages to help new migrants access legal help and representation in relation to protection visas.
Protection Visa Program Poster English
This poster is available in 13 languages to help new migrants access legal help and representation in relation to protection visas.
This booklet answers common questions about dividing fences and explains the legal procedure you must follow when you want to erect, repair or replace a boundary fence.
Noise from neighbours is a common source of nuisance and can be very distressing. Common neighbourhood noises include barking dogs, loud music and television, shouting, banging doors, and cars. This brochure encourages neighbours to sort out noise-related issues together, with or without the help of a mediator, before exploring legal avenues.
This factsheet outlines the law relating to retaining walls, including when development approval may be required, when notice must be given to neighbouring land owners, how costs may be apportioned, who is responsible for maintenance and how disputes may be resolved.
This booklet explains the law that applies to common tree problems and disputes between neighbours and suggests some practical ways to avoid or resolve disputes.
Laws to protect people from sexual abuse Easy Read Guide
This easy read resource sets out the laws that protect people from sexual abuse and where help is available.
This factsheet explains laws to do with sex, consent and the law.
This booklet provides information about community titles in South Australia, including information about the rights and responsibilities of owners.
(48 page PDF download)
This booklet provides information about strata titles in South Australia, including information about the rights and responsibilities of owners.
(36 page PDF download)
A guide available in 14 languages intended to assist new migrants learn about South Australian law and the services available to assist people with specific legal problems.
(20 page PDF download)
Protection Visa Program Poster English
This poster is available in 13 languages to help new migrants access legal help and representation in relation to protection visas.
Elder Abuse - There's No Excuse video
This video highlights services that can assist and protect older South Australians. The five agencies whose services are outlined in the video are members of APEA, the Alliance for the Prevention of Elder Abuse.
This video explains the legal and other protections available to older people in South Australia who are at risk of or experiencing elder abuse.
Presented in both English and Auslan, with captions.
Funded by an Innovation Grant from the Commonwelath Attorney-General's Department.
Know Your Rights – a Guide to the Rights of Older South Australians, published by the Office for Ageing Well, and available on the SA Health website.
Do you have a court date? Easy Read Guide
Have you been charged with an offence? Do you have a court date? If yes, this easy read resource sets out what you need to do.
Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Video
This video explains the legal and other protections available to women and girls in South Australia at risk of or experiencing domestic and family violence.
Presented in both English and Auslan, with captions.
Funded by an Innovation Grant from the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department.
This video explains the legal and other protections available to older people in South Australia who are at risk of or experiencing elder abuse.
Presented in both English and Auslan, with captions.
Funded by an Innovation Grant from the Commonwelath Attorney-General's Department.
Free Legal Help Easy Read Guide
This easy read resource sets out what to do if you have a legal problem, including what services are available at the Legal Services Commission and how to access them.
Do you have a legal problem? This easy read resource shows there are many ways the Legal Services Commission can help. We can assist you when you visit one of our offices, when you call our Legal Helpline or online.
Going to Court about your child's welfare? Easy Read Guide
This easy read resource sets out what to do if you are going to court about your child's welfare, including how to access the services available through the Legal Services Commission.
Has your child been removed? Easy Read Guide
This easy read resource sets out what you can expect after welfare authorities have removed your child, and how you can access legal advice and representation from the Legal Services Commission.
How We Help - Multi-access legal assistance video
This Auslan multi-access video produced by the Legal Services Commission outlines the legal support services offered by the Commission.
Laws to protect people from sexual abuse Easy Read Guide
This easy read resource sets out the laws that protect people from sexual abuse and where help is available.
This easy read legal health check can help you work out if you have a legal problem – it could be any kind of common problem ranging from fencing disputes to workplace bullying. Individuals are encouraged to consider questions about their ‘legal health’ on this form, and if they identify any issues, to call the Legal Help Line.
Need a lawyer? Easy Read Guide
Are you under 18 years of age? Have you been charged with an offence? This easy read resource sets out what to do if you have been in court having been charged with an offence and you need a lawyer.
Rights On Show Legal Education Resource
RIGHTS ON SHOW is a legal education resource about rights with police. This resource has been specifically made for people with intellectual disability and cognitive impairment. The resource includes five photo stories, five easy read guides, and an information factsheet.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains laws to do with alcohol and young people.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains laws to do with bullying at school.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains laws to do with buying things and your consumer rights.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It answers some frequently asked questions about smoking and vaping laws as they affect young people.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains the process for making an official complaint about the police.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains laws to do with discrimination.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains laws to do with illegal drugs.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains what happens when parents separate, what the court will consider, and what to do if a young person thinks they or someone they know may be at risk of harm.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains laws to do with illegal graffiti.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains laws to do with health stuff, including going to the doctors.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains laws to do with living independently, including leaving home and finding accomodation.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains laws to do with parties, including information on gatecrashers, alcohol and drugs.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains laws to do with porn and young people, sexually explicit images and films, and some other filming offences.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains the laws to do with pregnancy and has information about getting help.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains laws to do with public transport and the law.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains laws to do with guards, bouncers, and police security officers.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains laws to do with sex, consent and the law.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains laws that relate to social media and self-incrimination. If you are looking for information about images and films, please see the factsheet 'Porn, Sexual Photos and Films'.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains laws to do with tattoos and piercings.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains police powers, your rights and when you may be legally required to give personal details or submit to a search.
Need a lawyer? Easy Read Guide
Are you under 18 years of age? Have you been charged with an offence? This easy read resource sets out what to do if you have been in court having been charged with an offence and you need a lawyer.
What do These Legal Words Mean?
A basic dictionary of common criminal law words for young people.
You Have Legal Rights Too Poster
Having legal hassles? We can help. You have legal rights too. A poster resource for young people.