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Our Structure

The Legal Services Commission has a board of management made up of five Commissioners who determine policy, and hear appeals from persons who have been refused legal aid (as part of the Panel of Assessors).

The day-to-day operations of the Commission are carried out under the supervision of the Director. The organisation employs approximately 220 staff across six offices in South Australia. The head office is at 159 Gawler Place, Adelaide, and there are metropolitan offices located at Elizabeth, Port Adelaide and Noarlunga, and regional offices at Whyalla and Port Augusta.

Legal assistance is provided through two programs - the Representation Program and the Legal Information and Advice Program. These two service delivery programs are supported by a Support Services Program.

The Commissioners are:

  • the Chairperson, who must be a person holding judicial office or a legal practitioner of not less than five years standing - appointed by the Governor on nomination from the Attorney-General.
  • three people at least one of which must have experience in financial management and at least one must be, in the opinion of the Attorney General (in consultation with the Law Society and Bar Association), be an appropriate person to represent the interests of assisted persons.  
  • the Director of the Commission.

The current Commissioners are Mr Peter Slattery (Chairperson), Ms Annmarie Lumsden (Director),
Ms Debra Contala, Ms Stephanie Halliday and Ms Jane Abbey KC.


LSC Org Chart