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 Pregnancy and getting Help


Pregnancy and Getting Help Factsheet (PDF, 1.9 MB)

Pregnancy and young people

If you have just found out that you are pregnant or that someone who you have had a sexual relationship with has become pregnant as a result, it is important to know that there is support available. This may be through a counsellor or health worker, or someone you know that you are close to and trust.

Useful services to know about

Provides reproductive, sexual health and relationship wellbeing services.
1300 883 793

Women’s Information Service
Provides information to South Australian women on support services.
8303 0590

Kids Help Line
Free information, support and counselling.
1800 55 1800

Metropolitan Youth Health
Free, confidential health service for people aged 12-25 years.
Elizabeth: 8255 3477
Christies Beach: 8326 6053
Angle Park: 8243 5637

There are contacts for agencies that you can approach for help on this factsheet. If you’re not getting the advice and support you want, you are allowed to go somewhere else for help.

If I go to the doctor will they tell my parents that I’m pregnant?

You do not need your parents’ permission to go to the doctor. A conversation with a doctor should be confidential. If you are concerned that a doctor may tell your parents and you don’t want them to, then you can call SHINE SA to make an appointment to see a health worker. The health workers at SHINE SA are used to working with young people and specialize in sexual health and pregnancy. Call 1300 883 793.

Do I have to tell my parents that I'm pregnant?

There is no law that requires you to tell your parents that you are pregnant if you don’t want to. If you need some support telling your parents that you are pregnant you may like to call the Kids Help Line on1800 55 1800 which offers a free counselling service.

Pregnancy and young people

If you are pregnant you have choices (these are in no particular order, it’s up to you to decide on an option):

  • continue the pregnancy and become a parent;
  • have a termination (abortion); or
  • continue the pregnancy and consider adoption or alternative care

Option: Become a parent

Contact your GP, local SHINE SA clinic or major hospital to discuss your options regarding pregnancy care. To book into a public hospital call the Pregnancy SA Referral Line on 1300 368 820.

The Women’s and Children’s Health Network has a Parent Helpline that is staffed by nurses and community health care workers. You can speak to someone on 1300 364 100. If you are aged 12-25 you can contact Metropolitan Health.

The Women’s Information Service can connect you with important support services (like housing and finance).

Remember, your school or employer cannot discriminate against you because you are pregnant or have a child.

For legal advice on child support, call the Child Support Help Line on 8111 5576.

Option: Have a termination (abortion)

A termination (abortion) can be legally accessed in SA in certain circumstances.

The law says that the person who is pregnant gets to decide if they want a termination, nobody else. This means that if you are pregnant, you don’t need the consent of the person who you had sex with and you don’t need the consent of your parents if you are 16 years old or older.

If you are under 16 and cannot talk to your parents/guardian about the pregnancy, discuss this with a doctor, social worker or counsellor.

Terminations can be performed at the Pregnancy Advisory Centre, various public and private hospitals, including some country hospitals.

A doctor’s referral is not needed. There are two types of terminations - medication and surgical. If you have a Medicare card, surgical terminations are free at the Pregnancy Advisory Centre and public hospitals. 

Search online at the SA Health Website “South Australia Abortion & Support Services” for more information or speak to one of their counsellors on 7117 8999.


Option: Continue the pregnancy and consider adoption or alternative care

If you are considering adoption or other types of care, contact the Department for Child Protection. Social workers can assist you through the process and help answer any questions. Call 8124 4185 or visit

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The Legal Services Commission gratefully acknowledges the assistance of SHINE SA and the National Children’s and Youth Legal Centre in allowing the Legal Services Commission of South Australia to use and adapt existing content.

Disclaimer: The material in this factsheet is a general guide only. It is not legal advice. For legal advice about your own particular situation we encourage you to call the Free Legal Helpline on 1300 366 424. The legal information was correct at the time of publishing, however may change without notice.

July 2022