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Abuse Prevention Accessible Videos

These two videos explain legal and other protections that are available to people in South Australia who are at risk of or experiencing abuse.

The first video has been made for women and girls on the topic of domestic and family violence.

The second video has been made for older people on the topic of elder abuse.

The films are presented in both English and Auslan. Each film is captioned and transcripts of each film are available.

Funded by an Innovation Grant from the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department.

Auslan Translator and Presenter: Sarah Lewis

Narration: Nastasia Campanella

Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Video

Transcript of Domestic Violence Prevention Video (Word)


Elder Abuse Prevention Video

Transcript of Elder Abuse Prevention Video (Word)


Need legal help?

If there is an emergency, or you are in danger, phone the police by dialling 000


If you need general legal assistance call the Legal Help Line for information and advice Monday to Friday 9am-4.30pm by telephoning 1300 366 424


Legal Chat for legal information is also available at Monday to Friday 9am-4.30pm

You can contact us through the National Relay Service.
  • TTY users telephone 133 677 then ask for 1300 366 424
  • Speak and Listen users telephone 1300 555 727 then ask for 1300 366 424
  • Internet relay users connect to the NRS and then ask for 1300 366 424