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Public Transport and the Law


Public Transport and the Law Factsheet (PDF, 687 KB)

Ticket Inspectors and Police

When can a ticket inspector or transit police officer ask for my ID?

A ticket inspector, security guard, driver or police officer can ask to see your student ID or concession card when you are using public transport or are at a public station. If you refuse to show your student ID or concession card, they can give you a fine.

If a police officer wearing plain clothes asks to see your student ID or concession card, politely ask to see their official identity card. A police officer who reasonably suspects that you have committed, or are committing, an offence can ask you to state your name, date of birth and address.

Do I need to travel with a student card to get cheaper tickets?

If you are 15 or older you must have your student ID with you while you travel if you want to buy a student price ticket. If you get Youth Allowance from Centrelink you can apply for a Transport Concession Card on the website

What can a ticket inspector, security guard, transit police or Adelaide Metro employee ask me to do?

They can ask you to get off a public transport vehicle if they think that you have behaved in a disorderly or offensive way. You can be banned from using public transport or going to platform/station for a period of time.

You can be told not to board or to leave public transport if:

  • you are drunk or drug affected so much that you might cause discomfort, offence or embarrassment to other passengers
  • you are abusive or acting in a threatening way
  • the vehicle is full
  • you’re not dressed appropriately
  • you haven’t paid

If you don’t leave then you can be fined.

What if I don’t follow an instruction?

You can get a fine for not following reasonable directions of an employee of Adelaide Metro or a transit police officer while using public transport. If you have been told to get off public transport and you don’t, then a police officer or someone working for Adelaide Metro can use reasonable force to get you off the vehicle.

Behaviour on Public Transport

What can I get fined for?

There are lots of things you can get fined for on public transport. Here are a few:

  • behaving in a way that is disorderly or offensive (like swearing, playing loud music, fighting, shouting, etc.)
  • drinking alcohol
  • standing on your seat or putting your feet on a seat
  • getting on or off the vehicle while it is moving
  • stopping or deterring someone from sitting on an empty seat
  • littering

Can I get fined for mucking about at a station or bus stop, even if I’m not actually on the train or bus?

Yes. You can be fined or get in more serious trouble with police for behaving in certain ways while you’re at a station or waiting for public transport. Here are some things you can get in trouble for:

  • damaging or defacing a public transport vehicle or any structure, sign or equipment that has to do with a public transport service
  • riding a bicycle, scooter, skateboard or rollerblades on a public transport station or platform
  • throwing or placing objects that might stop or interfere with public transport vehicles

Transit Barring Orders

What can I do if I’ve been given a Barring Order?

A ‘barring order’ means you’re not allowed to use public transport or be around public transport stations for a certain period of time. If you receive a barring order get legal advice so you can understand what you are allowed or not allowed to do. It is an offence to disobey a barring order.

Call the free Legal Help Line on 1300 366 424 to check your rights.

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The Legal Services Commission gratefully acknowledges the assistance of the National Children’s and Youth Legal Centre in allowing the Legal Services Commission of South Australia to use and adapt existing content.

Disclaimer: The material in this factsheet is a general guide only. It is not legal advice. For legal advice about your own particular situation we encourage you to call the Free Legal Helpline on 1300 366 424. The legal information was correct at the time of publishing, however may change without notice.

January 2022