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Notification of the Decision about Aid

If aid is granted

If your client has nominated you as their chosen lawyer, we will in most cases refer the matter to you if aid is granted. Before referring a legally aided matter to you we must be satisfied

If a matter is referred to you on a grant of aid, you will receive a letter confirming that you have aid, and a certificate specifying the amount of commitment, and identifying what aid is for. Some of the most important conditions of aid are mentioned in that letter.

At the same time, your client will receive a letter asking them to make an appointment with you, and a printed sheet setting out the conditions of the grant of aid. The client is also told the amount of the initial contribution they should pay you. 

If it is your firm's practice, or the client's request, that the client's mail from us be directed to your office, please ensure that the client personally receives the mail and that it is not just added to the file. This is because it is very important that the client understands the conditions of aid and accepts them.

If aid is refused

If aid is refused, you and your client will each receive a letter giving the reason(s) for refusal and advising of the right of appeal (see Appeals).