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Health Stuff


Health Stuff Factsheet (PDF, 1 MB)

Going to the Doctor

You can choose the doctor that you want to see. It is important that you feel comfortable with your doctor. In most cases your doctor must keep the things you talk about confidential.

When can I go to the doctor alone?

There is no law that says how old you must be before you can go to the doctor alone. However, your doctor can only treat you if certain requirements are met, as outlined below.

When can I make my own decisions about my medical treatment?

If you are 16 or older you can consent to medical treatment. This means you are the only person who gets to make decisions about your body. You do not need approval from your parent or guardian.

If you are under 16, you might be able to consent without your parent or guardian’s permission depending on the kind of medical treatment you need, if your doctor thinks you understand what is involved and where the medical treatment is in your best interests. Two doctors must agree before you can give consent.

Some health services have two doctors you can see on the one visit to make this process a bit easier.

What about sexual health stuff?

There are doctors and clinics that specialise in sexual health and young people. They are free and confidential.

SHINE SA has a free sexual health line: 1300 883 793

Adelaide Sexual Health Centre offers free and confidential services for young people. This includes testing, diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections.

Useful health services to know about

Metropolitan Youth Health Service

Free, confidential health service for young people aged 12-25 years.

Elizabeth: 8255 3477

Christies Beach: 8326 6053

Angle Park: 8243 5637


Provides reproductive, sexual health and relationship wellbeing services.

Adelaide: 7099 5320

Woodville: 8300 5300


When can I get contraception?

There is no age limit preventing you from buying contraception like condoms at a chemist, or from seeing a doctor about contraception without parental consent.

Certain medical contraceptives, such as contraceptive pills, require a prescription that you can only get from a doctor. If you are 16 or older you will usually be given the contraceptives you require as long as they are safe for you.

If you are under 16, you either need parental consent or two doctors must agree that you understand their advice and that the contraception is in your best interests. When something is in your best interests, it means that overall it is good for your health and wellbeing. The doctors may follow written guidelines when making this decision.

Medicare Cards

Some doctors ‘bulk bill’ under the government health system. This means that you will not have to pay to visit the doctor. You can only be bulk billed if you have a Medicare card.

Can I get my own Medicare card?

If you are under 15 years old, you are included on your parent or guardian’s Medicare card. If you don’t have access to your parent or guardian’s Medicare card, you can still visit the doctor and the doctor can get your Medicare details directly from Medicare Australia.

When you are 15 years old or older you can apply for your own Medicare card. Having your own card ensures that your parents do not have access to your Medicare records.

You can apply for your own card through the Medicare website.

Contact us!

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Call our free Legal Help Line: 1300 366 424


The Legal Services Commission gratefully acknowledges the assistance of the NT Legal Aid Commission and National Children’s and Youth Legal Centre in allowing the Legal Services Commission of South Australia to use and adapt existing content.

Disclaimer: The material in this factsheet is a general guide only. It is not legal advice. For legal advice about your own particular situation we encourage you to call the Free Legal Helpline on 1300 366 424. The legal information was correct at the time of publishing, however may change without notice.

January 2022