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Youth Legal Service

The Youth Legal Service is a specialist unit of the Legal Services Commission. Our lawyers act for young people involved in criminal cases in the Youth Court.

The Youth Legal Service acts for young people, not their parents or anyone else.

If you have a legal problem, you have the right to see a lawyer and get legal advice.

Contact the Legal Services Commission Youth Legal Service on 1300 366 424.

Help at court

We have lawyers on duty at the Youth Court. It is their job to give free legal advice to young people on the day of their court hearing. When you get to court ask to see the Duty Solicitor before going into the courtroom. You should not go into court without legal advice.

Unfortunately we cannot help everyone – our lawyers will give priority to young people who have been arrested and locked up by the police first.

Locked up?

The Duty Solicitor helps young people held in the cells at the Adelaide Youth Court to apply for bail. If you are locked up at the Kurlana Tapa Youth Training Centre and have not talked to a lawyer, ask your worker to contact the Youth Legal Service and we will help you.

How can a lawyer help me?

We will listen to your situation and give you legal advice about the best way to handle things. Lawyers are there to make sure you get a fair go in court. A lawyer will go into the courtroom with you and speak for you. What you tell your lawyer is confidential and you have the right to see your lawyer alone. Even though a lawyer will give you advice, it is up to you to decide what you want to do. If you need a lawyer to represent you, we can help you apply for legal aid.

Help over the phone

Young people who need legal advice, or think they might be in trouble with the law can also call the Legal Help Line on
1300 366 424, 9am – 4:30pm (Monday to Friday).

If you need detailed advice, we can make an appointment for you to talk to a lawyer at any Legal Services Commission office.

Going to the Youth Court?

Youth Court of SA
75 Wright Street


Youth Legal Service

Legal Services Commission of SA
159 Gawler Place

Telephone 1300 366 424


Duty solicitors attend at the Youth Court.