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Audio Recordings in Community Languages

We have short audio recordings in a range of languages. These recordings help people hear about how they can get free legal help from the Legal Services Commission.

Originally designed for radio, they can also be used in a variety of community settings. 

The audio recordings are available in Arabic, Dari, Dinka, Hindi, Mandarin, Nepali, Pashto, Swahili, and Vietnamese.

The audio recordings are a translation of the English text: 

“Do you have a legal question or legal problem?

Go to the Legal Services Commission for free legal advice and information.

Their lawyers can help you over the phone or by appointment.

It is free and confidential and they can arrange for an interpreter. 

Call the Legal Help Line on 1300 366 424.

The Legal Services Commission – for help with legal problems.”


The audio recordings can be accessed below.  




The Legal Services Commission thanks SBS Radio for recording these community service announcements.


Other resources:

For related resources please see our Linking The Law page.