We provide a range of factsheets, publications and resources designed for young people or people working with young people for use in education sites, social services and community settings.
You can download our factsheets and publications below.
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Please note: the material in these factsheets is a general guide only. It is not legal advice. For legal advice about your own particular situation we encourage you to call the Free Legal Help Line on 1300 366 424. The legal information was correct at the time of publishing, however may change without notice.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains laws to do with alcohol and young people.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains laws to do with bullying at school.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains laws to do with buying things and your consumer rights.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It answers some frequently asked questions about smoking and vaping laws as they affect young people.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains the process for making an official complaint about the police.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains laws to do with discrimination.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains laws to do with illegal drugs.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains what happens when parents separate, what the court will consider, and what to do if a young person thinks they or someone they know may be at risk of harm.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains laws to do with illegal graffiti.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains laws to do with health stuff, including going to the doctors.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains laws to do with living independently, including leaving home and finding accomodation.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains laws to do with parties, including information on gatecrashers, alcohol and drugs.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains laws to do with porn and young people, sexually explicit images and films, and some other filming offences.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains the laws to do with pregnancy and has information about getting help.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains laws to do with public transport and the law.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains laws to do with guards, bouncers, and police security officers.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains laws to do with sex, consent and the law.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains laws that relate to social media and self-incrimination. If you are looking for information about images and films, please see the factsheet 'Porn, Sexual Photos and Films'.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains laws to do with tattoos and piercings.
This factsheet is for young people and their workers. It explains police powers, your rights and when you may be legally required to give personal details or submit to a search.
Need a lawyer? Easy Read Guide
Are you under 18 years of age? Have you been charged with an offence? This easy read resource sets out what to do if you have been in court having been charged with an offence and you need a lawyer.
What do These Legal Words Mean?
A basic dictionary of common criminal law words for young people.
You Have Legal Rights Too Poster
Having legal hassles? We can help. You have legal rights too. A poster resource for young people.