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Disability Justice

Community legal education for people living with disability, family carers and disability support workers


What we do:

We help people living with disability and community workers to understand the law and how it can affect them.

We assist people to know their rights, understand their responsibilities and navigate confidently through the legal system, knowing when and where to ask for help and advice.

Responding to need:

We deliver community legal education that is relevant and in a style appropriate to the needs of people living with a disability and community workers. Disability Justice is a legal education project that aims to deliver relevant and high quality legal information and education in a way that is accessible and respectful of the communication needs and learning styles of different groups within our community. This education is provided free of charge but is dependent upon our capacity.

Responsive and accountable services:

We make sure we respond to identified individual, group and community needs and we
are accountable to the communities we work with.

The breadth and depth of our community and educational experience means that we are able to offer highly specialised education and training (e.g. criminal justice, family violence, discrimination and compensation).

We can design and implement a community education program to suit your needs.

The Legal Services Commission can also arrange and pay for interpreters to attend our community programs.

Request an information session 

    If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment you can contact us through the National Relay Service (NRS):

    • TTY users phone 133 677 then ask for 1300 366 424
    • Speak and Listen users phone 1300 555 727 then ask for 1300 366 424
    • Internet relay users connect to the NRS and then ask for 1300 366 424
    • SMS relay service 0423 677 767

    From 20 April 2021, users will need to register to make and receive calls through the National Relay Service (NRS).

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