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Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (Cth), Accidents at work Commonwealth Government Employees Who can claim? Injury Comcare compensation scheme Commonwealth Administrative Appeals Veterans
Sale of Goods Act 1895 , Retention of Title Arrangements What can be included in a contract? Action against the supplier
Second-hand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Act 1996 , Disadvantages of Bankruptcy Second-hand dealers and pawnbrokers Minor Civil Actions License holders and registered professionals
Second-hand Vehicle Dealers Act 1995 , Does a contract have to be in writing? The Role of Government Agencies Second hand motor vehicles Minor Civil Actions Starting minor civil claims proceedings
Second-hand Vehicle Dealers Regulations 2010 (SA), Second hand motor vehicles
Security and Investigation Industry Act 1995 (SA), License holders and registered professionals Lawful authorisation exception
Security and Investigation Industry Regulations 2011 (SA), License holders and registered professionals
Sentencing Act 2017 (SA), Presumption of bail Sentencing by the Youth Court Magistrates Court Diversion Program Breaching an intervention order Offences relating to human remains Arson and property damage Serious firearm offences Driving while disqualified Indeterminate detention What can happen? Pleading guilty Sentencing Reductions The Sentencing Process Sentencing Purposes, Principles and Factors Matters affecting sentence Reduction of sentence for early guilty plea Cooperation with law enforcement agency for serious and organised criminal activity Serious firearms offenders Serious repeat offenders Sexual predators Sentencing Procedure Mitigating circumstances Nunga Court (Aboriginal Court Day) Imprisonment Home detention orders Conditions of home detention orders Intensive correction order Community service orders Good behaviour bonds Suspended sentences No conviction imposed Fines Compensation and restitution of property Intervention orders Duty to disclose charges proved Who can apply to change or cancel an order? Laws Affecting Prisoners Imprisonment Types of prisoners Parole Licence Victim Impact Statements
Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Act 2008 (SA), Firearms prohibition orders Aggravated offences Serious and Organised Crime Organised crime, declared organisations and criminal associations Criminal organisations in public places, prescribed places and prescribed events
Serious and Organised Crime (Unexplained Wealth) Act 2009 , Serious and Organised Crime Unexplained wealth orders
Service and Execution of Process Act 1992 (Cth), Interstate court fines
Sex Discrimination Act 1984 , Discrimination Law Marital or domestic partnership status Pregnancy Family caring responsibilities Breastfeeding or association with a child Sexuality and gender Sex discrimination and sexual harassment Sexual harassment Making a complaint Victimisation Discrimination in the workplace Equal Opportunity Marriage
Single-use and Other Plastic Products (Waste Avoidance) Act 2020 (SA), Waste Avoidance
Small Business Commissioner Act 2011 (SA), Resolving disputes between businesses
Small Business Commissioner Regulations 2012 (SA), Resolving disputes between businesses
Social Security (Administration) (Class of Persons- Intent to Claim) Determination 2018 (Cth), When do payments commence?
Social Security (Administration) (Non-Compliance) Determination 2018 (No. 1) (Cth), Demerit system
Social Security (Administration) Act 1999 (Cth), Centrelink Applying for and receiving Centrelink payments When do payments commence? Types of Centrelink payments Disability Support Pension JobSeeker Payment Non-payment periods Mutual obligation requirements Demerit system Clients' Responsibilities External Review Review by the Administrative Review Tribunal Continuation of payment pending an outcome
Social Security Act 1991 (Cth), No time requirement Centrelink Special provisions for people experiencing family violence Are there waiting periods? Can payments be received while overseas? Are Centrelink payments affected by compensation payouts? Disability Support Pension JobSeeker Payment Non-payment periods Age Pension Debts and Overpayments Debt recovery Suspended debts Waiver
South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2013 (SA), South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (SACAT) Review of administrative decisions South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (SACAT) Acts conferring jurisdiction SACAT Fees SACAT Jurisdiction SACAT General Practice and Procedures SACAT Appeals and Review Minor Civil Actions Reviews and Appeals Resolving tenancy disputes Housing improvement orders Notice of intention to acquire land Community Treatment Orders Inpatient Treatment Orders Appeals
South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Regulations 2015 (SA), Acts conferring jurisdiction SACAT General Practice and Procedures
South Australian Employment Tribunal Act 2014 (SA), Disputes in the South Australian Employment Tribunal (SAET)
South Australian Housing Trust Act 1995 , Acts conferring jurisdiction Public Housing Which legislation applies Moving to another property Appeals
South Australian Housing Trust Regulations 2010 (SA), Ending a tenancy Appeals
South Australian Public Health (COVID-19 Directions) Notice 2022 (SA), COVID-19 cases and close contacts
South Australian Public Health (COVID-19) Amendment Act 2022 (SA), COVID-19 arrangements and directions
South Australian Public Health (Notifiable and Controlled Notifiable Conditions) Regulations 2012 (SA), Controlled notifiable conditions Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS)
South Australian Public Health Act 2011 , What cannot be included Early childhood services and immunisation requirements Education Emergency declarations Children under 16 years Confidentiality Controlled Notifiable Conditions and COVID-19 Controlled notifiable conditions COVID-19 arrangements and directions Compliance with directions Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS)
South Australian Skills Act 2008 (SA), Complaints about vocational education or training
Spent Convictions Act 2009 (SA), State offences Criminal records Spent convictions What is a spent conviction? What type of convictions cannot be spent? Does the Spent Convictions Act apply to convictions from other jurisdictions? Other effects of a spent conviction
Spent Convictions Regulations 2011 (SA), Spent convictions What types of convictions can be spent? Exclusions
Stamp Duties Act 1923 , No time requirement Two year time requirement - property disputes Stamp duty
State Lotteries Act 1966 , Gambling
Statutes Amendment (Child Sex Offences) Act 2022 (SA), Registration of child sex offenders
Statutes Amendment (Screening) Act 2019 (SA), Working with people with disability checks (NDIS)
Strata Titles Act 1988 , Minor Civil Actions Strata Titles The strata corporation Common property Powers of the strata corporation Insurance Officers of the strata corporation Records Access to information Articles (Rules) Management committee General meetings Voting Types of resolutions Strata managers Appointing a strata manager Duties of strata managers Ending a strata manager's contract Unit holders Disputes Buying a strata unit Common questions Types of schemes By-laws (Rules) Converting from other schemes Common questions and answers Neighbours and the Law
Strata Titles Regulations 2018 (SA), Strata Titles Powers of the strata corporation Insurance Officers of the strata corporation Records Access to information Articles (Rules) General meetings Voting Appointing a strata manager Duties of strata managers Buying a strata unit
Student Assistance Act 1973 (Cth), Centrelink
Succession Act 2023 (SA), Does registering our relationship remove the time requirements? Does registering our relationship automatically revoke a previous will? Three year time requirement - State law matters Wills Who can make a will? Valid wills Signing and witnessing a will Both spouses or domestic partners dying together Changing a will Registered relationships, marriage and separation Updating a will Cancelling a will Restarting a will Contesting a will Deed of family arrangement Invalid wills Inadequate provision Fees and costs Getting a copy of a will Estates Partial intestacy and lapsed gifts Distribution of an intestate estate Spouse or domestic partner only Spouse and domestic partner Spouse or domestic partner and children Children only The deceased's home No spouse, domestic partner or children The forfeiture rule Disclosure of assets to the court Probate caveats Problems with executors Payment of executors Bankrupt estates Release of Assets Banks and building societies Hardship Domestic partners Step-children Half-siblings
Suicide Prevention Act 2021 (SA), Suicide Prevention
Suicide Prevention Regulations 2022 (SA), Suicide Prevention
Summary Offences Act 1953 (SA), Questioning, search and arrest Giving name and address Drivers and owners of motor vehicles People on licensed and regulated premises Search and seizure Arrest Police arrest procedure Police security officers, security guards and others Police powers after arrest Police questioning and interviewing Interviewing suspects with complex communication needs Powers to search and examine Bail Applying for bail Presumption of bail Enforcement of bail agreement Police powers Being arrested What is a Crime? General Principles in Criminal Law Common Offences Humiliating or degrading filming Stalking, cyber stalking and cyber bullying Acting as a spiritualist medium etc with intent to defraud Passing valueless cheques Computer offences Unlawful possession of personal property Dog theft Hindering and resisting police Bribing a police officer False reports to the police Declared public precinct offences Police powers within public precincts Disorderly behaviour Violent disorder Riot Indecency offences Indecent filming Loitering Additional loitering offence for prescribed class Liquor Licensing Act offences Liquor Offences under Summary Offences Act Liquor Offences under Summary Offences Act Obstruction of public places Throwing missiles Playing games as to cause damage Prostitution Trespass Gatecrashing - trespass at private parties Interference with Gates Disturbance of farm animals Unlawfully on premises Urinating or defecating in a public place Weapons Powers to search for weapons Weapons prohibition orders Tattooing, body modification and body piercing Weapons Answering police questions Emitting excessive noise from a vehicle Public transport passenger offences Clamping, impounding, seizure and forfeiture of vehicles Produce, show or sell indecent or offensive material Distribution of invasive images (image-based abuse) Indeterminate detention Possession or Sale of Equipment Police Powers Additional Offences Serious and Organised Crime Consorting Fortifications Interviewing vulnerable witnesses Contempt of Court and Disrespectful Conduct in Court Bringing the defendant to court Forfeiture orders Confessions Evidence through audio visual record What types of convictions can be spent? What is abuse? Confidentiality Local Nuisance and Litter Control Trespassers Laws Affecting Prisoners
Summary Offences Regulations 2016 (SA), Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons Interviewing suspects with complex communication needs Liquor Offences under Summary Offences Act Liquor Offences under Summary Offences Act Weapons Weapons prohibition orders Tattooing, body modification and body piercing Weapons Interviewing vulnerable witnesses Confidentiality
Superannuation (Unclaimed Money and Lost Members) Act 1999 (Cth), Lost and inactive members
Superannuation (Unclaimed Money and Lost Members) Regulations 1999 (Cth), Lost and inactive members
Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cth), The employer's duties and rights Casual employees Superannuation Enforcement of superannuation guarantee contribution payment
Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (Cth), Preservation of benefits Death benefit distribution
Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994 (Cth), Preservation of benefits Grounds for early access to superannuation benefits
Supreme Court Act 1935 , Application for judicial review - State Complaints against Judges and other judicial officers State Courts
Supreme Court Civil Rules 2006 , District Court and Supreme Court
Supreme Court Practice Directions 2006 (SA), Commercial and Other Mediation Services
Surrogacy Act 2019 (SA), Parenting presumptions and birth registration Surrogacy
Surrogacy Regulations 2020 (SA), Surrogacy
Surveillance Devices Act 2004 (Cth), Search and seizure
Surveillance Devices Act 2016 (SA), Search and seizure Laws relating to Journalists Recording private conversations or activities - Surveillance Devices Private conversation and private activity Photography and film in public places Lawful authorisation exception Lawful interest and public interest exceptions Publication of information derived unlawfully from surveillance device Surveillance in the workplace
Surveillance Devices Regulations 2017 (SA), Lawful authorisation exception
Survey Act 1992 , Boundary Location Encroaching Buildings
Survival of Causes of Action Act 1940 , Legal Actions
Swimming Pools (Safety) Act 1972 , Swimming pool fences and safety