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Cancelling a will

A testator who wants to replace, or stop the operation of, an existing will should be sure that the existing will is revoked. A later will may revoke an earlier will by implication, that is, when the terms of the later will contradict the terms of the earlier will [see Succession Act 2023 (SA) s 17(1)(c)]. However, this can lead to uncertainty, and so the inclusion of a revocation clause is preferable [s 17(1)(d)].

A will can be revoked by physically destroying it (such as by tearing it or burning it), provided it is with the intention of revoking the will. This must be done by the testator or the testator can ask someone else to do it [s 17(1)(e)].

Where a will has been revoked through:

  • a legal document revoking the will [s 17(1)(d)]
  • destruction [s 17(1)(e)]
  • the registration of a relationship or marriage [ss 18, 19]

a person will die intestate unless a new will is made.

Cancelling a will  :  Last Revised: Tue Dec 24th 2024
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