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Land Acquisition Act 1969 , Acts conferring jurisdiction Compulsory Acquisition of Land Notice of intention to acquire land Notice of acquisition Compensation Temporary occupation
Land Agents Act 1994 , Disadvantages of Bankruptcy Acts conferring jurisdiction The Role of Government Agencies Land agents Agents Indemnity Fund Selling a home
Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994 , The contract Cooling off Changing owners of a business The Role of Government Agencies Preliminary requirements for NCC regulation Site Contamination Buying a strata unit Buying into a community title The contract The purchase price Deposit Advice before signing the contract After signing the contract Auctions Offers Common questions about fences
Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Regulations 2010 (SA), Buying a strata unit Buying into a community title Cooling-off period Offers Form 1
Land Valuers Act 1994 , Acts conferring jurisdiction The Role of Government Agencies
Landlord and Tenant Act 1936 , Eviction by landlord Seizing goods
Landscape South Australia (General) Regulations 2020 (SA), Water Pollution Natural Resource Management Farming
Landscape South Australia Act 2019 (SA), State Responsibility Water Pollution Nature Conservation Natural Resource Management Water Farming
Law of Property Act 1936 , The home Does a contract have to be in writing? Enforcement of a Credit Contract
Legal Practitioners Act 1981 , Legal Profession Australian-registered foreign lawyers Costs Complaints against lawyers Complaints about overcharging Adjudication of legal costs Unpaid accounts Unsatisfactory professional conduct and professional misconduct Disciplinary Register Legal Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal Handling money and trust accounts Where to keep a will?
Legislation Interpretation Act 2021 (SA), Standard scales for penalties and fees How to read an Act Council Meetings
Libraries Act 1982 , Frequently asked questions
Life Insurance Act 1995 (Cth), Legislation and contacts
Lifetime Support Scheme Rules (SA), Catastrophic Injuries and the Lifetime Support Scheme
Limitation of Actions Act 1936 , Types of loss and time limits Children and civil claims Enforcing judgment - monetary judgments Enforcing a Judgment Debt Time limits Taking legal action Compensation claims for children Child abuse - civil claims
Liquor Licensing Act 1997 , People on licensed and regulated premises Working Barring Orders under the Liquor Licensing Act Liquor Licensing Act offences Liquor Offences under Summary Offences Act Liquor Offences under Summary Offences Act Other Barring Orders Alcohol, vaping, tobacco products, and other drugs Serious and Organised Crime Liquor Licensing Act offences about criminal organisations License holders and registered professionals State Courts Noise Lawful authorisation exception
Local Government (Elections) Act 1999 , Public office - elections and voting Local Government
Local Government (General) Regulations 2013 (SA), Council Meetings
Local Government Act 1999 , South Australian Ombudsman Acts conferring jurisdiction Complaints against councils (Local government) Public office - elections and voting For Debtors Paying a debt Employment Laws and Useful Websites Local Government Workers Local Government Waste Disposal Local Government Council Structure Rates Council Meetings Planning and Development - Assessment Authorities Potential Dangers
Local Nuisance and Litter Control Act 2016 (SA), Dumping rubbish Individual Responsibility Waste Disposal Local Nuisance and Litter Control Local nuisance Litter control Civil remedies Penalties Noise Air Pollution Bill posting Unsightly conditions Barking dogs
Local Nuisance and Litter Control Regulations 2017 (SA), Litter control
Long Service Leave Act 1987 (SA), Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) The National Employment Standards Long Service Leave Underpayment of Wages
Lotteries Act 2019 (SA), Lotteries Cheating at Gambling Gambling
Lotteries Regulations 2021 (SA), Lotteries
Lottery and Gaming Act 1936 , Lotteries Gambling