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Under Schedule 1 of the Act, a number of agencies are exempted from the provisions that make it an offence to access information about spent convictions. Further exclusions may also be set out by regulation [Sch 1, cl 14].

However, under s 13A, a person in relation to whom a conviction for an offence is spent may apply to a qualified magistrate for an order that some of these exclusions do not apply in relation to the offence [see also Uniform Special Statutory Rules 2022 (SA) Chapter 7 Part 6]. These applications are limited to the exclusions relating to care of vulnerable people and activities associated with a character test for registration, licensing and accreditation purposes.

An application under s 13A must comply with Form 1Y Originating Application – Spent Convictions Act – Exemption Order [see Uniform Special Statutory Rules 2022 (SA) r 327.2]. A National Police Check (NPC) processed within the previous 6 months must be attached. An application cannot be made if the same application has been refused by a magistrate within the previous 2 years [see s 13A(3)].

The regulations may also provide that an exclusion set out in Schedule 1 does not apply in relation to convictions that are taken to be immediately spent under s 4(1a) [Sch 1 cl 1(a1) (4)]. Regulation 5AA provides for these purposes that exclusions do not apply to immediately spent convictions under section 4(1a) for the following agencies:

  • Commonwealth agencies (for example, an intelligence or security agency for the purpose of assessing prospective employees, a person making a decision under the Migration Act 1958 (Cth) or AUSTRAC) [Sch 1, cl 2]
  • judicial and associated officers (for example, in relation to an assessment of the suitability of a person being considered for appointment to judicial office) [Sch 1, cl 5]
  • firefighting, police and correctional services (for example, in relation to a person seeking employment in these areas) [Sch 1, cl 9]
  • official records [Sch 1, cl 10]
  • archives and libraries [Sch 1, cl 11]
  • reports and authorised publications [Sch 1, cl 12]
  • non-identifying information [Sch 1, cl 13].

Exclusions will continue to apply for immediately spent convictions in relation to the following:

  • justice agencies (for example, in relation to the assessment of prospective employees) [Sch 1, cl 1]
  • designated judicial authorities (for example, in relation to jury selection) [Sch 1, cl 3]
  • Parole Board (for example, in relation to proceedings before or decisions by the board) [Sch 1, cl 4]
  • the care of children (for example, the fitness of a person to work with or be a guardian for children) [Sch 1, cl 6]
  • the care of vulnerable people (for example, the fitness of a person to have guardianship of an aged person or persons with a disability, illness or impairment or to work with them) [Sch 1 cl 7]
  • character tests (for example, for the purposes of registration, licensing or accreditation as a fit and proper person or disciplinary proceedings) [Sch 1, cl 8]
  • screening units making assessments if satisfied that there are good reasons for the exclusion [Sch 1, cl 9A and reg 5B]

The regulations also provide that if the conduct that was the subject of the immediately spent conviction was also the subject of a breach of the person's employment conditions, the employer may discipline or dismiss the employee and refer to the spent conviction as a referee to other prospective employers who may take it into account [Spent Convictions Regulations 2011 (SA) reg 6].

Exclusions  :  Last Revised: Fri Jan 31st 2025
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