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When do payments commence?

The time that payments will commence after a claim is approved depends on the type of payment that has been applied for.

For example, JobSeeker payments most often commence on the day that the person has their first interview with an Employment Services Provider (not on the day they first contact Centrelink or the day they lodged their completed claim) [see Social Security (Administration) Act 1999 (Cth) section 63, Schedule 2 s 4A ]

Many other payments commence on the day a person lodges their completed claim with Centrelink [see Social Security (Administration) Act 1999 (Cth) section 42; Schedule 2].

Previously, a person could make an intent to claim. If they lodged an intent to claim and then lodged their completed claim within 14 days, their payments could be backdated to the date they first made contact with Centrelink, i.e. when they lodged their intent to claim.

As of 1 July 2018, however, the ability to have payments backdated to the date that Centrelink was notified of an intent to claim has been removed for most payments. Certain people (such as those deemed to be vulnerable claimants) may still be able to lodge an intent to claim and have their payments backdated to that date [Social Security (Administration) Act 1999 (Cth) sections 13, 14 and 14A].

A vulnerable claimant can be a person who (at the time of contacting Centrelink) is:

  • subject to domestic or family violence;
  • homeless;
  • hospitalised;
  • being released from prison or psychiatric confinement;
  • experiencing high stress from a relationship breakdown;
  • affected by the death of an immediate family member;
  • the parent of a newborn dependant child;
  • living or physically present in a remote place of residence;

See Social Security (Administration) (Class of Persons- Intent to Claim) Determination 2018 section 5.

In order for a claim to be approved for a person who is not a vulnerable claimant, the claim must be completed in full, and all relevant supporting documents must be provided to Centrelink before the claim will be determined.

Some people may be subject to waiting periods before receiving payments. This could be for a number of reasons. For more information on waiting periods see: Are There Waiting Periods?

When do payments commence?  :  Last Revised: Tue Sep 18th 2018
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