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Employment Laws and Useful Websites
Employment and Labour Hire Workers
Employees and Independent Contractors
Express and implied terms of the contract
The employee's duty of co-operation, care, and fidelity
The employer's duties and rights
Other terms implied by circumstances
Casual employees
Fixed term contracts
Federal Employment & Industrial Relations Law (most workers in Australia)
Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth)
The National Employment Standards
Modern Awards
Enterprise Agreements
General Protections (protected workplace rights)
Transfer of business
South Australian Employment & Industrial Relations Law
Enterprise Agreements
State Public Sector Workers
Local Government Workers
Discrimination in the workplace
Unlawful termination protections for State system employees
Services for employees in South Australia
Other Legislation
Long Service Leave
Equal Opportunity
Work health and safety
Accidents and Injuries at work
Terminating Employment
By giving notice
By breach or variation of the employment contract
Summary dismissal - 'on the spot'
Upon the sale or winding up of the business
Unfair Dismissal
Unfair dismissal under federal law
Unfair dismissal under State Law
Protection for people assisting with emergency management
Underpayment of Wages
Administrative Remedies
Natural justice
Statutory employees
Criminal Records and Clearance Checks
License holders and registered professionals
Working with children checks
Working with people with disability checks (NDIS)
Workplace bullying
Young Workers