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Workplace bullying

Workplace bullying is repeated unreasonable behaviour which creates a risk to health and safety in the workplace.

Workplace bullying is against work health and safety laws in South Australia. For more information about what is and what is not bullying and to make a complaint about workplace bullying in South Australia, see SafeWork SA's page on bullying and inappropriate behaviour.

The Fair Work Commission can also deal with workplace bullying complaints from most workers (not State government employees or some local government employees). See the Fair Work Commission's anti-bullying page for details about the complaint making process, stop bullying orders and what can be done. From 11 November 2021, the Fair Work Commission can also make stop sexual harassment orders for workplaces where there is a risk of future harm [see Sexual harassment].

Anti-bullying laws are broader than other workplace laws and include employees, volunteers, contractors, sub-contractors, labour hire workers, trainees and work experience students.

Workplace bullying  :  Last Revised: Wed Mar 22nd 2023
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