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Assistance for Prisoners

There are a number of services available to assist prisoners, such as:

Other useful contacts include:

Parole Board of South Australia

181 Flinders St ADELAIDE SA 5000

GPO Box 1747 ADELAIDE SA 5001

Telephone: (08) 8224 2555

Department for Correctional Services

400 King WIlliam Street


GPO Box 1747 ADELAIDE SA 5001

Telephone: (08) 8226 9000


For a complete list of South Australian correctional institutions, see Prisons/Remand Centres in our Service Directory.

Assistance on release:

Seeds of Affinity: Pathways for Women

This is a not-for-profit, grass roots, volunteer run community group that supports women to support each other upon their release from prison.

Second Chances SA

This is a not-for-profit volunteer organisation supporting people in prison, their children and families with a range of custom-designed programs to create brighter, better futures.

Duty Solicitor

Duty Solicitors for People in Prison

The Legal Services Commission also provides a duty solicitor for people in prison with legal problems.

The duty solicitor can:

  • advise generally about prisoners’ rights
  • assist unrepresented prisoners to obtain representation
  • assess whether a prisoner has a problem that needs a lawyer’s assistance
  • refer prisoners to appropriate services
  • provide basic advice in relation to parole applications

The duty solicitor service is available at all correctional institutions in South Australia, including James Nash House upon request.

See more on The Prison Advice Service in the Duty Solicitor Handbook.

Prison Chaplaincy Services

Each prison has a local coordinating chaplain. The Principal Chaplain is based at Yatala Labour Prison.

There are around 70 accredited chaplains working in the various prisons across the state.

Prison Chaplaincy Services (PCS) is a multi-faith service and is responsive to all faiths. Prisoners do not need to profess a faith to request help from a chaplain.

Prisoners can speak to an officer to ask for the prison chaplain to visit. The public can contact the chaplains by calling Yatala Labour Prison and asking for the chaplain.

The Ombudsman SA

Letters sent by prisoners to the Ombudsman SA and replies from the Ombudsman SA are not subject to censorship [Correctional Services Act 1982 (SA) ss 33(7) and (8)]. However, a prisoner wishing to keep private the contents of a letter from the Ombudsman SA should destroy the letter, as prison authorities have the power to search and remove any object found in a prisoner's possession.

Ombudsman (South Australia)

PO Box 3651 Rundle Mall SA 5000

Telephone: (08) 8226 8699 or 1800 182 150 (Country Callers)

OARS Community Transitions

The OARS Community Transitions (OCT) have been assisting prisoners for 130 years. They provide accommodation, employment services, drug rehabilitation, financial counselling and gambling support.

OARS Community Transitions (OCT)

1st Floor, 53-61 Dale Street

Port Adelaide SA 5015

Telephone: (08) 8218 0700 or 08 8249 0700

Facsimile: (08) 8125 5689


Prisoner Care Program

The Prisoner Care Program (PCP) is administered through the Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement (ALRM) and supports Aboriginal prisoners and offenders, pre and post release from prisons in South Australia.

The aim of the PCP is to work closely with Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander prisoners, to reduce re-offending behaviours that lead back to incarceration.

Aboriginal Case Workers are responsible for delivering pre, during, and post release prisoner care services. The Case Worker develops individual case management plans and a criminogenic needs assessment for clients.

Prisoners are referred from correctional facilities across metropolitan and regional South Australia from lawyers, advocates and Aboriginal Liaison Officers (ALOs), Social Workers and professional staff within the Department for Correctional Services (DCS), SA prisons and key agencies working with Aboriginal prisoners and offenders.

Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement (ALRM)

T: 8113 3777 (24 hour)

1800 643 222 (Free call)



321-325 King William Street



Cnr East Terrace and Merghiny Drive


T: (08) 8113 3799

Port Augusta

12 Church Street


T: (08) 8113 3788

Offender Complaint and Advice Line

A prisoner is able to telephone the Department for Correctional Services Offender Complaint and Advice Line ('OCAL'). The service explains the Department for Correctional Services ('DCS') Complaint Process, informs the prisoner of their rights, and assists the prisoner to resolve the complaint.

Further information about the complaints process can be found on the Department for Correctional Services website (link opens new window)..

Department of Correctional Services (SA)

Telephone Number: (08) 8226 9861

If a prisoner remains unsatisfied with the Department for Correctional Services (DCS) Complaints Process, the prisoner can write to the Executive Director, Community Corrections and Specialist Prisons, the Chief Executive, or lodge a complaint with the SA Ombudsman's office.

Prisoners' Advocacy

Prisoners' Advocacy is an organisation formed to raise awareness of prison issues in the wider community and to encourage and promote prison reform.

The group undertakes research and maintains up to date information about the practical situation of people in South Australian prisons. It welcomes contact from current and former prisoners who have complaints, observations or suggestions about their experiences.

Prisoner's Advocacy

32 Moore Street ADELAIDE SA 5000

PO Box 6107 Halifax Street ADELAIDE SA 5000

Telephone: (08) 8223 7393 (Monday to Thursday 9:00am until 3:00pm)

    Assistance for Prisoners  :  Last Revised: Tue May 18th 2021
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