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Rooming Houses

The Residential Tenancies Act 1995 (SA) provides limited protection for residents (boarders and lodgers) of rooming houses [see ss 103-105W], but only in the following specific circumstances. A rooming house is defined as residential premises in which 2 or more rooms are available for residential occupation in return for rent [see Residential Tenancies Act 1995 (SA) s 3]. Boarding arrangements in private homes would only be covered by the Act, therefore, if there are 2 or more boarders. There are no proposals for this Act to cover other boarders and lodgers and the only relevant law is the common law, see Boarders and lodgers.

The following pages in this chapter will cover house rules, obligations of proprietors and tenants, rent increases and termination of agreements (including where someone abandons the property) as applicable to rooming houses.

Forms and fact sheets for rooming house tenancies are available from SA.GOV.AU website - Forms and fact sheets for rooming house tenancies.

Rooming Houses  :  Last Revised: Thu Jun 27th 2024
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