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A person who is arrested by the police may apply to be released on bail. Some typical examples of conditions of bail are that the defendant not:

  • approach, harass or molest the victim;
  • come within a certain distance of the victim's work place or home (which is obviously not appropriate if they are either still living together or working in the same place);
  • telephone, write or otherwise contact the victim except through a lawyer or some other person.

When a person applies for bail, primary consideration must be given to any need the victim may have, or perceive to have, for physical protection from the applicant.

See further the Law Handbook's detailed section on Bail.

In an emergency: 000

For police attendance: 131 444

Domestic Violence Crisis Line: 1800 800 098

1800 RESPECT: 1800 737 732

Bail  :  Last Revised: Thu Jan 21st 2016
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