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Children and Young People

Children, young people and the law
Where to find information in the Law Handbook
Factsheets for young people
Parental rights and duties
Physical punishment
Legal age to babysit
Leaving home
Early childhood services and immunisation requirements
Protection of children and young people
Children and young people at risk
Investigation and intervention
Care and Protection Orders
Custody or guardianship of the Chief Executive
Contact arrangements
Other person guardianship
Review of administrative decisions
Prescribed child protection complaints
Intervention Orders and Child Protection Restraining Orders and Notices
Assessment, treatment and detention orders for drug dependency
Who may apply for a Youth Treatment Order
Assessment Orders
Treatment Orders
Detention Orders
Representation of children
Who gets a copy of the order
Variation and revocation
Appeals against Youth Treatment Orders
Bullying of children and young people
Child Safe Environments
Potential criminal offences
Potential civil action
Office of the eSafety Commissioner
School Fees
School Discipline
Religious and cultural activities
Suspension, Exclusion and Expulsion
Complaints about schools
Accidents and Injuries
Protection of staff and students
Young offenders
Criminal responsibility
Police questioning
Juvenile justice system
Informal Police Cautions
Formal Police Cautions
Family Conferences
The Youth Court
Sentencing by the Youth Court
Legal advice and assistance
Confidentiality of proceedings
Complaints about Police
Your Rights