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Sentencing considerations

The Sentencing Act 2017 (SA) sections 9, 10 and 11

The primary purpose for sentencing a defendant is to protect the safety of the community [Sentencing Act 2017 (SA) s 3]. The primary purpose is further enshrined in section 9 of the Sentencing Act 2017 (SA) which emphasises that it must be the paramount consideration of the court when determining and imposing sentence [s 9].

Additionally, the sentencing court is required to apply the common law sentencing principles of proportionality, parity, and totality [see ss 10(1)(a), 10(1)(b) and 10(1)(c)].

The court cannot sentence a defendant for committing an offence that they were not convicted of, nor can a term of imprisonment be imposed unless the seriousness of the offence justifies the penalty or is required to protect the safety of the community [see s 10].

Aside from the primary and secondary sentencing purposes [see ss 3 and 4], and the general sentencing principles [see s 10], section 11 of the Sentencing Act 2017 (SA) also prescribes a number of individual sentencing factors that a court can take into account when determining and imposing sentence. These factors are the same regardless of whether the defendant pleads guilty or is found guilty. These factors include:

  • the nature, circumstances and seriousness of the offence [s 11(1)(a)];
  • the personal circumstances and vulnerability of any victim of the offence whether because of the victim's age, occupation, relationship to the defendant, disability, or otherwise [s 11(1)(b)];
  • the extent of any injury, emotional harm, loss or damage resulting from the offence or any significant risk or danger created by the offence, including any risk to national security [s 11(1)(c)];
  • whether the offence was wholly or partly motivated by hatred for, or prejudice against, a group of people to which the defendant believed the victim belonged (including, but not limited to, people of a particular race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or age, or people having an intersex variation or a particular disability) [s 11(1)(ca)].
  • the defendant's character, general background and offending history [s 11(1)(d)];
  • the likelihood of the defendant re-offending [s 11(1)(e)];
  • the defendant's age, and physical and mental condition (including any cognitive impairment) [s 11(1)(f)];
  • the extent of the defendant's remorse for the offence, having regard to whether:
    • the defendant has provided evidence that they have accepted responsibility for their actions [s 11(1)(g)(i)]; and
    • the defendant has acknowledged any injury, loss or damaged caused by their actions, or voluntarily made reparations for any such injury loss or damage, or both [s 11(1)(g)(ii)]
  • the defendant's prospects for rehabilitation [s 11(h)].

In determining the sentence for an offence, the court must not have regard to any of the following:

  • the fact that a mandatory minimum non-parole period is prescribed in respect of the sentence for the offence, under the Sentencing Act 2017 (SA) or another Act [s 11(4)(a)];
  • any consequences that may arise under the Child Sex Offenders Registration Act 2006 (SA) [s 11(4)(b)];
  • the good character or lack of previous convictions of the defendant if -
    • the offence is a class 1 or class 2 offence within the meaning of the Child Sex Offenders Registration Act 2006 (SA) [s 11(4)(c)(i)]; and
    • the court is satisfied that the defendant's alleged good character or lack of previous convictions was of assistance to the defendant in the commission of the offence [s 11(4)(c)(ii)]
  • the fact that the defendant -
    • has not participated in, or had the opportunity to participate in, an intervention program [s 11(7)(a)]; or
    • has performed badly in, or not made satisfactory progress in, an intervention program [s 11(7)(b)].

See Sentencing Act 2017 (SA) ss 11(4) and 11(7).

However, the fact that a defendant has participated in an intervention program, and any achievements in such a program, may be considered as relevant to sentence [see s 11(6)].

In sentencing a person charged with contravening an intervention order pursuant to section 31 of the Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) Act 2009 (SA), the court can consider whether the respondent has participated in, or performed badly in, an intervention program, i.e. section 11(7) of the Sentencing Act 2017 (SA) does not apply - see section 31(4) of the Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) Act 2009 (SA).

Aggravating factors

Aggravating factors are those factors particular to the offence, the victim or the defendant which may warrant a higher penalty. The Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 (SA) prescribes specific maximum penalties for basic and aggravated offences [see s 5 for interpretation]. A charge for an aggravated offence laid in accordance with the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 (SA) must specifically state the circumstances alleged to aggravate that offence [see s 5AA(3)]. The following highlights the factors outlined in the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 (SA) which aggravate an offence:

Circumstances particular to the offence:

  • subjecting the victim to deliberate and systematic infliction of severe pain [s 5AA(1)(a)]
  • using or threatening to use an offensive weapon [s 5AA(1)(b)]
  • committing an offence against an on duty police, prison or other law enforcement officer, or committing an offence in retribution for something they may have done whilst on duty [s 5AA(1)(c)]
  • committing an offence to affect the pursuit of, or conduct of legal proceedings, or in retribution for legal proceedings [s 5AA(1)(d)]
  • committing an offence in company with one or more persons [s 5AA(1)(h)]
  • an abuse of a position of authority or trust in committing the offence [s 5AA(1)(i)]
  • in relation to an offence of aiding and abetting: the offender was aware the principal offender of an aggravated offence was a child [s 5AA(1)(ia)]
  • for an offence of causing death or harm by dangerous driving: the offence was committed whilst attempting to escape pursuit by police [s 5AA(1a)(a)]
  • in relation to dangerous driving to avoid police pursuit: the motor vehicle was stolen or subject to an illegal use [s 5AA(1b)(a)]
  • in relation to driving at an extreme speed: where offence caused death or serious harm to a person; where motor vehicle was stolen, or being driven without consent; where the offence was committed in course of attempting to escape pursuit by a police officer; where 1 or more passengers in or on the motor vehicle [s 5AA(1d)].

Factors particular to the victim:

  • in relation to certain offences against children: the victim was under the age of 14 years [Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 (SA) s 5AA(1)(e)]
  • the victim was under the age of 12 years [s 5AA(1)(e)(iii)]
  • the victim was over the age of 60 years [s 5AA(1)(f)]
  • the victim was a person with whom the offender was, or was formerly, in a relationship [s 5AA(1)(g); for definition of in a relationship see s 5AA(4a)]
  • the victim was vulnerable due to physical disability or cognitive impairment [s 5AA(1)(j)]
  • for an offence against a person: the victim was vulnerable due to their occupation or employment [s 5AA(1)(k)(i)]
  • for an offence against a person: the victim was engaged in a prescribed occupation or employment [s 5AA(1)(ka)].

Factors particular to the offender:

  • the offender was acting in contravention of an injunction or court order and the offence involved conduct which the injunction or court order was designed to prevent [Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 s 5AA(1)(l)]
  • for an offence of causing death or harm by dangerous driving: at the time of the offence the offender was driving whilst disqualified [s 5AA(1a)(b)];
  • for an offence of causing death or harm by dangerous driving: the offence was committed as part of a prolonged, persistent and deliberate course of very bad driving or vessel operation [s 5AA(1a)(c)]
  • for an offence of causing death or harm by dangerous driving: the offender committed the offence while there was present in his or her blood a concentration of .08 grams or more of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood [s 5AA(1a)(d)]
  • for an offence of causing death or harm by dangerous driving: at the time of the offence, the offender was driving a vehicle (or operating a vessel) at excessive speed, or whilst under the influence of alcohol or prescribed drugs such that the offender was incapable of exercising effective control of the vehicle (or vessel) [s 5AA(1a)(e)]
  • in relation to dangerous driving to avoid police pursuit: the offender was driving whilst disqualified [s 5AA(1b)(b)]
  • in relation to dangerous driving to avoid police pursuit: the offender committed the offence while there was present in his or her blood a concentration of .08 grams or more of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood [s 5AA(1b)(c)]
  • in relation to dangerous driving to avoid police pursuit: at the time of the offence, the offender was driving a motor vehicle whilst under the influence of alcohol or prescribed drugs such that the offender was incapable of exercising effective control of the vehicle [see s 5AA(1b)(d)]
  • in relation to driving at an extreme speed: where driver held a probationary, provisional or learner’s permit; where driver was driving unlicensed; where driver driving MV whilst disqualified/suspended; where driver had 0.08grams or more of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood; where driver was driving under the influence (DUI) [see s 5AA(1d)].

Section 5AA of the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 (SA) does not erode the general discretion of a court to weigh all factors relevant to the offence when determining sentence [s 5AA(6)]. For example, a defendant may be charged with a basic offence, but the facts put to the court during sentencing submissions support an aggravated form of the charge being laid. In this situation the court would still consider the aggravating factors but would be limited to the penalty prescribed for the basic offence [see s 5AA(6) examples 1 and 2].

All sentencing courts have a duty to take into account all relevant factors during the sentencing process for all criminal offences, including aggravating factors. Aside from the aggravating factors listed above, some other factors often considered as aggravating include:

  • offences committed whilst subject to bail, bonds and parole
  • ongoing recidivist offending of a similar nature
  • ongoing and sustained offending over a period of time (a course of conduct of similar offending)
  • offences which abuse positions of trust
  • offences which demonstrate a blatant disregard for the authority of the court
  • premeditated, planned and carefully orchestrated offending
  • violent offending
  • offending motivated by greed
  • offences that are difficult to detect.

Mitigating factors

Mitigating factors are those connected to the commission of the offence, the defendant or the victim which the sentencing court consider as meriting a lesser penalty. There are numerous mitigating factors and much case authority in relation to them [see Lunn’s Criminal Law SA Online]. A few examples of mitigating factors are:

  • demonstrated prospects of rehabilitation;
  • contrition;
  • reparation;
  • offending based on need rather than greed;
  • unplanned, spur of the moment offending;
  • the physical and mental health of the defendant leading up to the offence;
  • the misfortunes of the defendant leading up to the offence;
  • dependants;
  • cooperating with the investigation of the offence;
  • previous unblemished character of the defendant;
  • the age of the offender (youth); and
  • risk of loss of employment.

Discount for early guilty pleas

The defendant entering a guilty plea in relation to the offence is a factor to be taken into consideration at sentencing.

As of 2013, a legislated scheme providing for a reduction of sentence for early guilty pleas was introduced and provided for in the previous Criminal Law (Sentencing) Act 1988 (SA). This scheme continues to operate in the Sentencing Act 2017 (SA).

On 2 November 2020, the scheme was further reformed with the commencement of the Statutes Amendment (Sentencing) Act 2020 (SA). The amending Act reduces the percentage amounts previously available to a defendant under section 40 of the Sentencing Act 2017 (SA) and expands the general criteria for which courts must consider when determining an early guilty plea sentence reduction.

The Sentencing Act 2017 (SA) provides for a reduction by up to 40% for early guilty pleas in the Magistrates Court [see Sentencing Act 2017 (SA) s 39] and up to 35% (25% for serious indictable offences) for matters in the higher courts [see s 40]. Under these provisions, the earlier the guilty plea is in the court process, the greater the discount in sentence. For a detailed outline of early guilty pleas, see: Guilty Pleas Chapter.

In determining the relevant reduction in sentence, the court can give regard to factors including:

  • the proportionality of the reduction in sentence as compared to the seriousness of the offence;
  • the stage of the proceedings at which the defendant first indicated an intention to plead guilty;
  • whether the defendant was initially charged with a different offence and whether negotiations occurred with the prosecution in relation to the additional offence(s);
  • in the case where a defendant has been charged with more than one offence- whether the defendant has pleaded guilty to those offence(s);
  • whether the defendant was made aware of any relevant matters which would have enabled them to plead guilty at an earlier stage;
  • whether the defendant could not have reasonably pleaded guilty at an earlier stage because of circumstances beyond their control;
  • whether the defendant disputed the factual basis of the plea, a hearing occurred in relation to the dispute, and the dispute was not resolved in favour of the defendant ;
  • if the prosecution satisfies the court that the defendant intentionally concealed the commission of the offence, and if so, for how long the concealment lasted;
  • whether the prosecution's case against the defendant is so overwhelming that it would be so inappropriate that it may affect public confidence in the administration of justice; and
  • whether any genuine remorse on behalf of the defendant is so lacking that it would be so inappropriate that it may affect public confidence in the administration of justice

See Sentencing Act 2017 (SA) ss 39 and 40.

Section 41 of the Sentencing Act 2017 (SA) outlines the process the court must follow to apply the sentencing discounts.

For a more detailed outline of these processes see Guilty Pleas Chapter.

Discount for cooperation with law enforcement for serious and organised crime

The Sentencing Act 2017 (SA) provides for a scheme offering potential sentencing reductions for people who cooperate with law enforcement agencies. In order for a person assisting with a law enforcement agency to receive a reduction in sentence, they must meet the following criteria:

  • the information they provide to the law enforcement agency must directly relate to combatting serious and organised criminal activity; and
  • the defendant's cooperation is provided in exceptional circumstances; and
  • the defendant's cooperation contributes significantly to the public interest.

see Sentencing Act 2017 (SA) s 37(1).

Under these provisions, the court is able to reduce the sentence it would have otherwise imposed by such a percentage as the court thinks appropriate [see s 37(2)].

In determining what percentage discount to apply to the sentence, the court can consider:

  • the circumstances of the defendant's plea;
  • the nature and extent of the defendant's cooperation;
  • the timeliness of the cooperation; and
  • the truthfulness, usefulness and reliability of the information provided

along with various other factors outlined in section 37(3) of the Sentencing Act 2017 (SA).

If a person who received a reduction in sentence under section 37 later withdraw their cooperation with the law enforcement agency, the DPP can apply to the court to have the person resentenced [see s 42].

Similarly, a defendant who is serving a custodial sentence and who later cooperates with a law enforcement agency can apply to the court to have their sentence quashed and a new, reduced sentence imposed instead [see s 43].

For more information on this scheme, see the Duty Solicitor Handbook Guilty Pleas chapter.

Character and antecedents of the defendant

The character and antecedents of the defendant are factors to be taken into account at sentencing [see Sentencing Act 2017 (SA) s 11(1)(d)]. The terms “character” and “antecedents” usually refer to the defendant’s previous offender history and convictions which provide the sentencing court with an insight into the character of the defendant. Previous convictions of a similar nature to the offence(s) for which the defendant is to be sentenced can affect the weight given to factors such as deterrence, community safety and retribution.

Information about injury, loss or damage suffered by a victim

The prosecutor must provide the sentencing court with the particulars of an offence in relation to any injury, loss and damage arising from the offence (and any other offence to be taken into account) where this information is readily accessible and has not been provided to the court through evidence or a pre-sentence report [see Sentencing Act 2017 (SA) s 13(1); s 5 for definition of injury]. The prosecutor must provide the sentencing court with particulars of any injury, loss or damage arising from a course of criminal conduct involving acts of the same or similar character of which the offence for which sentence is to be imposed forms part [see s 13(1)(b)(ii)]. Where a person expresses a wish to the prosecutor that they do not wish any particulars about their injury, loss or damage to be conveyed to the court, the prosecutor may refrain from providing those particulars to the court [see s 13(2)]. The validity of a sentence is not affected by non or insufficient compliance with these provisions [see s 13(4)].

Victim impact statements

Due to the seriousness of the offending required before a victim impact statement may be tendered to the court, it is unlikely a duty solicitor would encounter such a statement in the course of their duties. This information has been included for completeness. Any victim of an indictable or a prescribed summary offence who has suffered injury, loss or damage arising from that offence may provide the sentencing court with a written victim impact statement [see Sentencing Act 2017 (SA) s 14]. A prescribed summary offence is a summary offence that resulted in death, total incapacity or serious harm [see s 14(7) for extended definition of prescribed summary offence, serious harm and total incapacity].

A person who has written a victim impact statement can request that they (or someone else) be afforded the opportunity to read it aloud to the court, or that it be considered in sentencing without being read aloud in court [see ss 14(2)(a), 14(2)(b) and 14(2)(c)]. If the court considers that there is good reason to do so, it may allow a person who wishes to read a victim impact statement to the court to do so via an audio visual link or audio recording [see s 14(3)].

In determining sentence for an offence, the prosecutor or Commissioner for Victims Rights may also provide the court with a neighbourhood impact statement, or a social impact statement - see section 15 of the Sentencing Act 2017 (SA).

A copy of a victim impact statement must be made available to the defendant or their counsel for inspection and the defendant may make submissions to the court in relation to the statement [see Sentencing Act 2017 (SA) s 16(3)].

Pre-sentence reports

Where a guilty plea is entered and the Magistrate is considering a sentence of imprisonment, the Magistrate may order a pre-sentence report for information about:

  • the personal circumstances of the defendant;
  • any physical or mental condition of the defendant;
  • any history of the defendant;
  • any other matter that would assist the court in determining sentence.

See Sentencing Act 2017 (SA) s 17.

It usually takes about two weeks for the preparation of a pre-sentence report if the person is in custody; up to six weeks if the defendant is on bail [see Guilty Pleas chapter for detailed information].

Serious firearms offenders

A sentence of imprisonment cannot generally be suspended in relation to a defendant deemed to be a serious firearms offender and for a serious firearms offence - see section 50 and 51 of the Sentencing Act 2017 (SA).

The court cannot substitute penalties or impose a single penalty under section 25 in relation to the penalty that would otherwise be imposed for a serious firearms offence [see Sentencing Act 2017 (SA) ss 25, 49 and 51]. This means that a home detention order or intensive correction order cannot be made where a serious firearms offender is being sentenced for a serious firearms offence [see ss 25, 51(1)(c), 70(1)(b)(ii)(D) and 80(1)(b)].

See section 49(1) for definition of serious firearms offence and serious firearms offender.

Serious repeat offenders

On 14 November 2020, sections 52, 53 and 55 of the Sentencing Act 2017 (SA) were amended by the commencement of the Sentencing (Serious Repeat Offenders) Amendment Act 2020. The amended provisions apply in relation to a sentence imposed on or after 14 November 2020, regardless of whether the offence was committed prior to this date.

In certain circumstances, a defendant may be deemed to be a serious repeat offender [see Sentencing Act 2017 (SA) s 53]. If a defendant is deemed to be a serious repeat offender, the court is not bound to ensure that the sentence it imposes is proportional to the offence, and the non-parole period it imposes must be at least four-fifths of the sentence [see ss 54(1)(a) and 54(1)(b)].

However, a sentencing court may declare that the serious repeat offender sentencing provisions above will not apply, if a defendant satisfies the court (by evidence given on oath):

  • that their personal circumstances are so exceptional as to outweigh the paramount consideration of individual or general community safety and deterrence; and
  • it is not appropriate in all of the circumstances to sentence the person as a serious repeat offender

Evidence given under oath could include psychological or medical reports in affidavit form (with the report writer being the deponent of the affidavit).

[s 54(2)].

A defendant is deemed to be a serious repeat offender if they have been convicted at least three serious offences on separate occasions, and have been sentenced on each occasion to a term of imprisonment (excluding wholly suspended sentences, or a community based custodial sentence only) [see s 53(1)(a)]. A serious offence includes a serious firearms offence under Division 3 of the Act, and prescribed offences (for example- breaches of intervention orders involving violence or threat of violence, commercial drug offences, serious and organised crime, arson, serious criminal trespass-residential, and offences against the person) where the maximum penalty prescribed for the office is at least 5 years imprisonment.

A defendant may also be deemed to be a serious repeat offender if they have committed, at least two serious offences sexual offences on separate occasions [see s 53(1)(b)]. Serious sexual offences includes certain offences under Division 11 of the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 (SA) where the victim was aged under 14 years the time of the offence, and sexual exploitation of person with a cognitive impairment.

Sexual predators

Part 3 Division 5 of the Sentencing Act 2017 (SA) regulates sexual predators who have been found guilty of certain offences and are deemed to be incapable of controlling, or unwilling to control, their sexual instincts. The Supreme Court, if it finds that a defendant should be dealt with pursuant to these provisions, can impose an indeterminate sentence when sentencing the defendant [Sentencing Act 2017 (SA) s 57]. An offender subject to an indeterminate sentence cannot apply for parole, but can apply for release on licence [see s 59]. In order to be released on licence the offender must satisfy the Supreme Court that they are both capable of and willing to control their sexual instincts, and that they no longer pose a risk to the community [see s 59(1a)].

Applications are governed by Chapter 2 Part 5 of the Uniform Special Statutory Rules 2022 (SA).

Sentencing standards for offences involving child sexual abuse

If a court is sentencing an offender in relation to a child sexual offence, then it must have regard to the sentencing practices, principles and guidelines applicable at the time of sentencing (not at the time of the offence) [Sentencing Act 2017 (SA) s 68].

For the purposes of section 68 of the Sentencing Act 2017 (SA), a child sexual offence means a sexual offence committed in relation to a person under the age of 18 years; and a sexual offence has the same meaning as section 28 of the Sentencing Act 2017 (SA).

Sentencing considerations  :  Last Revised: Fri Mar 8th 2013