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Legislation relevant to guilty pleas

The following legislative sources are relevant to the conduct of a simple guilty plea:

Sentencing Act 2017 (SA) see ss 3 and 4 for primary and secondary sentencing purposes; s 10 for general principles of sentencing, s 11 for individual sentencing factors; s 23(1) for trifling applications; s 25 for reducing or substituting penalties; s 23 for penalty without conviction; s 115A for pleas to alternative offences and attempts in the Magistrates Court; and Sentencing chapter]

Summary Offences Act 1953 (SA) [see for reference to elements of specific offences and penalties; and Penalty Summaries chapter]

Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 (SA) [see for reference to elements of specific offences and penalties; and Penalty Summaries chapter]

Road Traffic Act 1961 (SA) [see for reference to elements of specific offences and penalties; and Traffic Offences chapter]

Motor Vehicles Act 1959 (SA) [see Act for reference to elements of specific offences and penalties; and Traffic Offences chapter]

Young Offenders Act 1993 (SA) [see s 23 for circumstances where imprisonment can be imposed; s 24 for fines; s 25 for community service; s 26 for bonds; s 28 for licence disqualification; and Youth Court chapter]

Legislation relevant to guilty pleas  :  Last Revised: Wed Nov 4th 2020