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Relevant country courts and criminal court circuits

A Magistrate conducts the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands (APY Lands), Coober Pedy, Leigh Creek and Ceduna criminal court circuit with the court sitting in the more populated areas of the APY Lands such as Ernabella, Amata, Fregon, Indulkana and Pipalyatjara.

The courts and registries located at Ceduna, Coober Pedy, Port Pirie and Kadina open only at court circuit times.

The Port Augusta, Whyalla and Port Lincoln Magistrates courthouses are open every weekday. Other courts, such as the Supreme, District and Youth Courts, also operate from these courthouses from time to time

Nunga Court (Aboriginal Court Day)

See the Specialist Courts chapter for information about Aboriginal courts in this State.

Judicial Education

The National Report of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody (1991) recommended that judicial officers and court staff whose duties bring them into contact with Aboriginal people be encouraged to participate in an appropriate training and development program designed to explain contemporary Aboriginal society, customs and traditions. It also recommended that they participate in informal discussions with members of the Aboriginal community to improve cross-cultural understanding.

The Court's Administration Authority of South Australia, together with PY Media, has produced a video capturing the expectations, experiences and reflections of judicial officers and court staff who travelled to the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands (APY Lands) in 2011. The trip was funded by the National Judicial College of Australia and is an example of the implementation of the Royal Commission's recommendations.

The video is called The Ripple Effect and is available to view through the Court's Administration Authority You Tube channel.

Relevant country courts and criminal court circuits  :  Last Revised: Tue Nov 20th 2018