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Application of the Cross-border Justice Act 2009 (SA)

The Cross-border Justice Act 2009 (SA) applies within a defined geographical region at the intersection of the South Australian, Western Australian and Northern Territory borders [see Cross-border Justice Regulations 2009 (SA) reg 4 and sch 1] and will particularly apply to people located in the remote north-west of South Australia. The provisions of the Act apply upon suspicion or allegation of an offence committed within the region, and/or when an accused person is arrested in the region or normally resides in that region [see Cross-border Justice Act 2009 (SA) s 20(2)]. The provisions also apply for persons residing in the region at commencement of court proceedings [see s 20(3)]. Further information is available in the Police Powers and Forensic Procedures chapter as well as the Bail chapter.

Application of the Cross-border Justice Act 2009 (SA)  :  Last Revised: Mon May 21st 2012