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Donation of a body

Pursuant to Part 5 of the Transplantation and Anatomy Act 1983 (SA), in South Australia consent may be provided for human bodies to be provided to and used by students of the medical schools of:

  • the University of Adelaide
  • Flinders University
  • the University of South Australia
  • the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute Limited.

The Adelaide Medical School operates a central mortuary facility for the acceptance of bodies donated to science in South Australia.

Providing consent for one's body involves providing full details and completing the appropriate forms which may be obtained from the Body Donation Program Office at the University of Adelaide. This consent can be overridden by the senior most available next of kin following death, so it is important that family members know of, and agree to, a deceased’s final wishes.

Consent to donation may also be provided by the senior most available next of kin of a deceased person without the deceased’s express consent.

Unless the deceased or the senior most available next of kin request that the remains be released to a funeral home when no longer required, the Universities take all responsibility for the cremation of bodies accepted under this arrangement. The ashes will be offered to the next of kin free of charge and if not collected, will be interred at a designated cemetery at no cost.

There are no direct costs incurred by the deceased for donation, unless transportation from outside the metropolitan area is involved, the University is unable to accept the body, or if relatives wish to have a private burial or cremation after the remains leave the university.

If a funeral or religious ceremony is to be held, it is usual for relatives to arrange for this prior to the remains passing to the University. There is a short time period in which this can take place.

For more information, read the Body Donation Program brochure (PDF download, 12MB) available on the University of Adelaide website.

Donation of a body  :  Last Revised: Fri Jul 22nd 2022
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