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Review of Control and Destruction Orders

A person may apply to the South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal for a review within 14 days of receiving notice of one of the following orders [Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 (SA) s 72]:

  • A Destruction Order
  • A Control (Dangerous Dog) Order
  • A Control (Menacing Dog) Order
  • A Control (Nuisance Dog) Order
  • A Control (Barking Dog) Order
  • A Prohibition Order.

SACAT may also, on application, review a decision to refuse to allow the release of a dog or cat that is being detained under the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 (SA), or any other decision that SACAT is declared to have jurisdiction over [see ss 72(4)(b) and 72(4)(c)].

Applications made after 14 days will only be heard if special circumstances exist to grant an extension of time, and if the other party will not be unreasonably disadvantaged because of the delay in proceedings [s 72(3)].

Review of Control and Destruction Orders  :  Last Revised: Wed May 29th 2024
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