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Superannuation and Centrelink

Superannuation benefits may affect entitlement to Centrelink payments, depending on whether the benefits are paid as a lump sum or a pension.

Income tests

Superannuation lump sums are generally exempt from the Centrelink income test (but may be included in the assets test — see below).

Superannuation pensions are usually treated as income, and subject to the Centrelink income test for the purposes of assessment for payments.

Assets tests

A superannuation lump sum will be included in the Centrelink assets test when the benefit is received. While the benefits are retained in a superannuation fund, they will not be included in the Centrelink assets test until the member reaches the age pension age.

Superannuation and Centrelink  :  Last Revised: Fri Jul 25th 2014
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