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The tenant's obligations

The tenant must:

  • keep the premises reasonably clean;
  • not intentionally or negligently cause damage to the premises;
  • notify the landlord of any damage to the premises;
  • replace or compensate the landlord for reasonable use or replacement of any auxilliary property lost or destroyed while in their care;
  • not use the premises for any illegal purpose;
  • not cause or permit a nuisance;
  • where the premises are adjacent to premises occupied by the landlord or another tenant of the landlord, not interfere with the reasonable peace, comfort or privacy of the landlord or the other tenant;
  • if asked, give the landlord his or her correct name and place of occupation;
  • at the end of the tenancy, return the premises to the landlord in a reasonable state of cleanliness.

See Residential Tenancies Act 1995 (SA) ss 69-71.

An exception to the tenant’s responsibility to compensate for damage occurs where a tenant unintentionally causes damage to the premises or ancilliary property as a result of the use of a domestic facility requiring instruction where the landlord has failed to instruct the tenant as to its proper use [ss 48(2), 69(3a)].

Unless it is allowed by the tenancy agreement, the tenant may not fix anything to the premises or carry out any renovation, alteration or addition without the landlord's written consent. A tenant who intentionally causes serious damage commits an offence and may be fined up to $25,000 [Residential Tenancies Act 1995 (SA) s 69(2)].

The tenant's obligations  :  Last Revised: Thu Feb 29th 2024
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