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What is an intervention order?

The primary focus of this section is on domestic violence intervention orders. For information on non-domestic abuse situations see Non-domestic intervention orders.

An intervention order (previously known as a restraining order) is a court order which prohibits a person (the respondent) from behaving in a particular manner towards a protected person (or persons). In addition to acting as a restraint on the behaviour of the respondent, they can also direct the respondent to comply with certain directions. In short, any measures that are deemed necessary to protect the protected person or persons can be made the terms of an intervention order.

An intervention order is an order under civil law – that is, an intervention order is not a criminal charge, although criminal penalties may apply if the order is breached.

Intervention orders may be issued by the Police on an interim basis or made and confirmed by the Magistrates Court. If an interim order is issued by Police, it too, will then go before the Magistrates Court. While an intervention order is an order under civil law, jurisdiction to hear and determine them is vested in the criminal division of the Magistrates Court [Uniform Special Statutory Rules 2022 (SA) r 6.1].

The object of an intervention order is to protect anyone against whom it is suspected the respondent will commit an act of abuse, including any child who may be exposed to the effects of abuse committed by the respondent against another person.

An order can be made in relation to a respondent living anywhere in Australia.

Both domestic and non-domestic abuse situations are covered by the Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) Act 2009 (SA).

In an emergency: 000

For police attendance: 131 444

Domestic Violence Crisis Line: 1800 800 098

1800 RESPECT: 1800 737 732

What is an intervention order?  :  Last Revised: Mon Aug 22nd 2022
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