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Criminal and Traffic Offences

What is a Crime?
General Principles in Criminal Law
Elements of a Criminal Offence
Types of Crimes and Courts
Summary Offences
Minor Indictable Offences
Major Indictable Offences
Youth Offences
Magistrates Court Diversion Program
Coroner's Court
The Jury
What is an aggravated offence?
Common Offences
Offences against the person
Offences against property
Offences against prescribed emergency workers
Offences against public order and similar offences
Weapons offences
Offences against children, young people and vulnerable adults
Sexual offences
Tattooing, body modification and body piercing
Alcohol, vaping, tobacco products, and other drugs
Dishonest communication with a child
Criminal neglect
Recruiting children to commit crimes
Elder abuse
Traffic Offences
Driver's Licences
Demerit Points
Alcohol, Drugs and Driving
Defect Notices
Driving Offences
Parking Offences
Pedestrian Offences
Public transport passenger offences
Boating Offences
Possible Outcomes of Traffic Offences
Sexual Offences
Common Sexual Offences
Evidence in Sexual Assault Cases
Other Sexual Offences
Compensation for Victims
Legal Procedures
Drug Offences
Aggravated offences
Simple Cannabis Offences
Possession for personal use
Manufacture, Cultivation and Sale
Manufacture of a Controlled Drug
Possession or Sale of Equipment
Sale or Possession of Instructions
Production, promotion and sale of controlled drug alternatives
Trafficking of a Controlled Drug
Sentencing Principles
Diversionary Schemes and the Treatment Intervention Court
Tobacco and E-cigarettes
Police Powers
Additional Offences
Customs Act offences
Serious and Organised Crime
Organised crime, declared organisations and criminal associations
Participation in criminal organisation
Unexplained wealth orders
Tattoo Industry Control
Defence of property
Sudden or extraordinary emergency
Mental Impairment
Self defence
Assistance for Suspects, Victims, and Witnesses with Communication Needs
Interviewing vulnerable witnesses