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Accidents on private and public property

The Uniform Civil Court Rules 2020 commenced on 18 May 2020 for civil legal proceedings in the Magistrates, District and Supreme Courts of South Australia.The Uniform Civil Rules 2020 apply to proceedings commenced, or a step in a proceeding taken, on or after 18 May 2020. The previous Court Rules continue to govern a step in a proceeding taken before 18 May 2020.

This section deals with accidents and injuries that occur on property - whether private or public. Private land includes private homes and gardens, cinemas and shopping centres. Public land is land owned by the Crown (that is, the Commonwealth or State Government or a statutory body) to which the public has access, such as public roads, parks and government offices.

The area of law about compensation for these accidents and injuries is mostly under the Civil Liability Act 1936 (SA) and is known as occupier's liability.

Accidents on private and public property  :  Last Revised: Thu Jun 4th 2020
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