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Relevant legislation

These legislative sources are relevant to driving offences commonly encountered by duty solicitors:

Australian Road Rules [for uniform road laws throughout Australia]

Road Traffic (Road Rules-Ancillary and Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2014 [offences and penalties for the Australian Road Rules]

Road Traffic (Miscellaneous) Regulations 2014 [offences and penalties for the Australian Road Rules]

Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 [driving related offences (including aggravated offences) and penalties]

Sentencing Act 2017 (SA) [sentencing purposes, principles, factors and penalties and court orders]

Motor Vehicles Act 1959 [laws and offences relating to the registration of motor vehicles, driver’s licences and third party insurance]

Motor Vehicles Regulations 2010 [offences and penalties under the Motor Vehicles Act 1959; the alcohol interlock scheme, the demerit point scheme, and schedules of related fees, expiation fees and demerit points]

Road Traffic Act 1961 [road use by pedestrians, vehicles, drivers, riders and passengers]

Summary Offences Act 1953 [offences and penalties]

Relevant legislation  :  Last Revised: Thu Oct 30th 2014