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Applying for legal aid

Applications for legal aid are to be submitted using our Online Legal Services (OLS) Portal. To use the OLS Portal, you will be required to register as a user and create an account.

Through the Portal, you will be able to apply on behalf of clients, update their contact and financial details and submit documents.

The Portal will also enable you to request an extension, finalise a case and apply for panel membership and renewal.

In addition, clients will also have access to the Portal to submit an Application for Legal Aid, update their financial or contact details, submit documents and request a transfer to a new practitioner. Clients will be able to register as a user or log into the Portal as a guest. As a guest, access to the Portal is limited and clients will not be able to see their submissions once submitted.

If you or your clients experience any technical issues with the OLS, please email If your clients needs assistance completing their application, they can call the Legal Helpline on 1300 366 424.

The links below provide further information for practitioners on the following aspects of the Legal Aid Application process: