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Bail is important

A remand in custody following refusal to grant bail significantly impacts on the person through:

  • the deprivation of liberty, exposure to and experience of custodial conditions and gradual demoralisation;
  • hampering the preparation of their defence;
  • a lost opportunity to demonstrate the potential for rehabilitation while in the community before matter(s) are finalised;
  • loss of employment and housing;
  • time spent in custody unnecessarily if they are eventually acquitted;
  • an inducement to plead guilty to finalise the matter, despite their innocence;
  • loss of opportunity to make a better impression on the court by appearing at liberty rather than ex-custody; and
  • an inability to settle domestic affairs; make arrangements for family, housing, debts, employment and other commitments prior to serving a sentence of imprisonment.
Bail is important  :  Last Revised: Mon May 21st 2012