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Working as a duty solicitor is challenging and extremely rewarding, and it provides an opportunity to learn the basics of criminal law jurisprudence, advocacy and to become a member of an amazing group of criminal lawyers. At all times, it is important to remember there is a lot of support and advice available when it is needed.


All at the same time, the duty solicitor has to have a thorough grasp of legal principles, substantive and procedural law, the ability if necessary to stand up to bullying or deceitful defendants, and to express sympathetic understanding to the defendant whose situation cries out for assistance. The duty solicitor must also remember their obligations as an officer of the court, and maintain integrity in all that they do and say, both to the court and to the prosecuting authorities.

Duty solicitors are not alone, nor are they expected to know everything. There are many experienced solicitors practising in the criminal jurisdiction who are welcoming and available to provide them with encouragement and advice. Duty solicitors should not be afraid to seek out this more experienced company and assistance.
Conclusion  :  Last Revised: Mon May 21st 2012