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Need Legal Help, read about who we are.

Quick Statistics from 2021 - 2022

In this period we provided over 146,000 client services to the SA community.

Free Legal Advice & Education

  • 85,794 legal information and advice sessions were provided by Commission advisors
  • 5,251 people attended our Community Legal Education sessions

Legal Aid Grants

  • 17,116 grants of legal aid

Family Law

  • 1,254 family mediation services were provided and a settlement was reached in 83% of them
  • 416 cases where an Independent Children's Lawyer was appointed to represent a child's best interests

Duty Solicitor Services

  • 12,891 Duty Solicitor services at courts in SA

Online Help & Printed Materials

  • 2.8 million page-views for our website and the Law Handbook
  • 10,220 information sessions through 24Legal
  • 17,952 legal information publications were distributed to South Australians