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Disability Information and Legal Assistance Unit


The Disability Information and Legal Assistance Unit (DiLA) is a resource centre staffed by employees of the Legal Services Commission.

Do you need help with a legal problem?

DiLA has been established as a resource centre which provides specialised information and legal advice for South Australians with disability, as well as their supporters and advocates.

The information and advisory service is freely available on weekdays, between 9am - 4:30pm, and is provided by staff who have received training on disability inclusion and disability rights.

About DiLA’s services

Legal advice:

The free Legal Help Line is the starting point for getting legal information and legal advice.

Call 1300 366 424 between 9am – 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.

If you are deaf, hard of hearing and/or have a speech impairment, you can contact us through the National Relay Service.

  • TTY users phone 133 677 then ask for 1300 366 424
  • Speak and Listen users phone 1300 555 727 then ask for 1300 366 424
  • Internet relay users connect to the NRS and then ask for 1300 366 424
  • SMS relay 0423 677 767

The Legal Help Line advisers will listen to you and will provide you with options for general legal problems. Advisers can also help you connect with other services, and can make an appointment for you with a lawyer to provide more in-depth advice.

There may be a waiting list for an appointment to see a lawyer. If your legal issue is urgent please let the Legal Helpline adviser know so that your appointment can be appropriately prioritised.

A ‘Legal Chat’ service is also available on our website during business hours.

The DiLA service does not extend to lawyers going to Courts or Tribunals on behalf of people with disability, as its lawyers are exclusively available to provide advice and legal information.

DiLA does not provide legal advice on NDIS matters or Centrelink appeals, but there are other lawyers at the Legal Services Commission who can provide assistance and advice about these matters.

Accessibility and legal advice:

You can organise legal advice in a way that works for you. This includes over the phone, by video call or in person.

You are welcome to have a support person with you during legal advice.

Our offices are accessible and are close to public transport. Most of our interview rooms are on the ground floor. We have lifts available and accessible toilets on site.

We will book and pay for interpreters, including Auslan interpreters, if needed.

Specialist disability information referral services:

DiLA has a list of services and programs that help people with disability and their supporters.

If DiLA is unable to help you with your problem, we will try to help you find somewhere that can. This might be a legal service or it might be another service.

A list of information resources and other relevant contacts is on our website.

Community legal education and resources:

We are available to talk to groups about DiLA and about legal resources for people with disability and their supporters.

We can also talk with people with disability about creating resources for the community.

We already have several legal education resources for people with disability.

Partnerships with the community:

DiLA welcomes opportunities to collaborate with the disability community. If your service has a project or program in which you would like some legal input from DiLA, then please feel free to contact us by calling the Legal Help Line on 1300 366 424.


The DiLA Unit has been established with support from the Government of South Australia, Attorney-General’s Department.